Olefin Metathesis in Confined Geometries: A Biomimetic Approach toward Select...
This paper addresses the synthesis of macrocyclic molecules by a spatial confinement effect in SBA-15. Various aspects such as concentration dependence, substrate size and... -
Supplementary material for 'Computational study of confinement effects in mol...
This dataset contains simulation input files in GROMACS format accompanying the mentioned publication. Structure, topology and simulation parameter-files are provided for six... -
Replication Data of B3 for: "Asymmetric Rh Diene Catalysis under Confinement:...
In this dataset HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) chromatograms and NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra of all newly prepared ligands, catalysts and catalysis... -
Data for: Olefin Metathesis under Spatial Confinement and Continuous Flow: In...
Olefin Metathesis under Spatial Confinement and Continuous Flow: We study olefin metathesis with a focus on isomers formed as by-products. For that purpose, a 2D-LC/MS system is... -
Replication data of the Buchmeiser Group for "Macrocyclization of Dienes Unde...
This dataset includes proton nuclear magnetic resonance data from catalytic investigations, scanning electron microscopy images of the ordered mesoporous silica particles, gas... -
Replication Data of Buchmeiser group for: Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkyliden...
All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from the Buchmeiser group can be found here. The data is... -
Replication data of B3 group for: "Tethering chiral Rh diene complexes inside...
In this dataset HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) chromatograms of the products of the rhodium-catalyzed 1,2-addition and NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra of... -
Replication Data of Kästner group for: "Determination of Accessibility and Sp...
In this dataset, all simulation data are listed. That includes all geometry optimizations and single-point calculations and the conformational sampling. Furthermore, the... -
Replication data of Dyballa group for: "Determination of Accessibility and Sp...
Solid-state NMR data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from the Dyballa group can be found here. Data from collaborating groups (A2, A4, B3, C4) can be... -
Data of B3 group for: "Determination of Accessibility and Spatial Distributio...
In this dataset HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) chromatograms of the products of the rhodium-catalyzed 1,2-addition and NMR spectra of all prepared catalysts and... -
Publication data for: "Hydronium Ion and Water Complexes vs. Methanol on Soli...
All primary data files and processed data of the journal article from C1 - Dyballa group. Containing MAS NMR, N2 physisorption and XRD data. The NMR data (.dx file) can be... -
Replication data of Buchmeiser group for: "Confinement Effects for Efficient ...
All primary data files of measurements and processed data of the journal article mentioned under related publications from Buchmeiser group can be found here. The data is... -
Supplementary material for 'Confinement Effects for Efficient Macrocyclizatio...
This dataset contains simulation input files in GROMACS format accompanying the mentioned publication. Structure, topology, and simulation parameter-files (directory Mdp) are... -
Data for: "Olefin Ring-closing Metathesis under Spatial Confinement and Conti...
The use of a 2nd-generation Hoveyda-Grubbs-type catalyst immobilized inside mesoporous silica for the application in selective macro(mono)cyclization (MMC) of an... -
Publication data for: "Noble metal location in porous supports determined by ...
Different phosphines (PR3, R= phenyl, 4-methoxyphenyl) are demonstrated to be useful probe molecules for the spatial location and quantification of noble metal (NM) atoms within... -
Replication Data for: "Olefin Metathesis in Confined Geometries: A Biomimetic...
This paper addresses the synthesis of macrocyclic molecules by a spatial confinement effect in SBA-15. Various aspects such as concentration dependence, substrate size and... -
Olefin Metathesis in Confined Geometries: A Biomimetic Approach toward Select...
Solid state NMR data for the immobilized catalyst. Primary data files and processed data of the journal article from the Dyballa group. -
Replication Data for: "The Role of Spacer Length in Macrocyclization Reaction...
All primary data files associated with this publication, experimental procedures, reaction conditions, and used analytical equipment can be found in detail in the experimental... -
Olefin Metathesis in Confined Geometries: A Biomimetic Approach toward Select...
This paper addresses the synthesis of macrocyclic molecules by a spatial confinement effect in SBA-15. Various aspects such as concentration dependence, substrate size and... -
Supplementary material for 'Computational study of confinement effects in mol...
This dataset contains simulation input files in GROMACS format accompanying the mentioned publication. Structure, topology and simulation parameter-files are provided for six...