Seawater carbonate chemistry and acute physiological response of Haliotis mi...
This study investigated the acute pH effects in isolation as an initial step in studying the acute physiological response of Haliotis midae to provide a mechanistic basis for... -
Grain size composition difference of sediment cores GeoB13729-1 and GeoB13731-1
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Data of the Garchinger Heide 1984-1993-2018: processed data site
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Data of the Garchinger Heide 2003-2018: processed data site
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(Figure 3) Dust concentration measurements in RECAP ice core, Holocene
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(Figure 3) Dust concentration measurements in RECAP ice core, Eemian
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(Figure 2) Dust size distribution measurements in RECAP ice core, glacial
For depth intervals of the bags used for the Coulter Counter measurements see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.906927. -
(Figure 2) Dust size distribution measurements in RECAP ice core, remote Holo...
For depth intervals of the bags used for the Coulter Counter measurements see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.906927. -
(Figure 2) Dust size distribution measurements in RECAP ice core, Holocene
For depth intervals of the bags used for the Coulter Counter measurements see doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.906927. -
(Figure 1) Dust concentration measurements in RECAP ice core, small particles...
This dataset has no description
(Figure 1) Dust concentration measurements in RECAP ice core, large particles...
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(Figure 1) Dust concentration measurements in RECAP ice core
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Stable isotope results of measured and modelled δ18O of horse tooth enamel ph...
The dataset contains sequential oxygen isotope records (δ18Ophosphate vs. VSMOW) of horse tooth enamel phosphate of six individuals from two adjacent Upper Palaeolithic sites in... -
Reconstruction of nannofossil abundance using the different categories of pla...
This dataset has no description
Nannofossil abundances and error bars of 56 SEM and 28 light-polarized micros...
This dataset has no description
Raw data peak areas of GDGTs and GMGTs peaks of IODP Hole 302-M0004A
<0.001 = below detection: peaks are too small to quantify. -
Estimated autumn precipitation anomalies in the Central Pyrenees between 1500...
The Mediterranean region is expected to be highly impacted by global warming. To better understand and predict shifts in its current climate system, climate time series covering... -
Paleosecular geomagnetic variation for the Holocene measured from U-channels ...
Inclination, declination, and relative palaeointensity calculated as a composite (WINPSV-12K) of four sediment cores (+54-03/57PC, +54-03/64PC, +54-03/67PC, +54-03/68PC) from... -
Age-depth model with δ13Cca and δ18Oca isotope profiles for stalagmite Y99 gr...
The Arabian Peninsula was one key area for H. sapiens dispersals out of Africa. Current dispersal models advocate that dispersals via the "southern route" into Arabia occurred...