EMSO Ligure Dyfamed oxygen/fluorescence data
EMSO Ligure Dyfamed oxygen data
DYFAMED Time Series from 1994 to 2014 (43°25N - 7°52E). In the framework of the French MOOSE program, a fixed point observatory in the Ligurian Sea (so called DYFAMED) performs... -
EMSO-Azores, SeaMoN East : Temperature (°C) and dissolved oxygen concentratio...
This dataset contains temperature (°C) and dissolved oxygen concentrations (µmol/l) (and the associated sensor raw data) acquired between September 2016 and February 2017 using... -
EMSO-Azores, SeaMoN East : Temperature (°C) and dissolved oxygen concentratio...
This dataset contains temperature (°C) and dissolved oxygen concentrations (µmol/l) acquired between April 2015 and September 2016 using an Aanderaa optode (model 3830, sensor... -
EMSO-Azores, SeaMoN East : Temperature (°C) and dissolved oxygen concentratio...
This dataset contains temperature (°C) and dissolved oxygen concentrations (µmol/l) acquired between August 2013 and July 2014 using an Aanderaa optode (model 3830, sensor head... -
EMSO-Azores, SeaMoN East : Temperature (°C) and dissolved oxygen concentratio...
This dataset contains temperature (°C) and dissolved oxygen concentrations (µmol/l) acquired between July 2012 and August 2013 using an Aanderaa optode (model 3830, sensor head... -
EMSO-Azores, EGIM : Temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations, 2017-2018
This dataset contains temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations and the associated sensor raw data acquired between July 2017 and August 2018 on EMSO-Azores observatory by... -
Joint Open Sea Surveys August 2017, Improving Environmental Monitoring in the...
Macrozoobenthos data: species composition, abundance (ind/m²), biomass (g/m²) collected during the Joint Open Sea Survey (JOSS UA - GE 2017) in the Black Sea waters (Transects... -
E2M3A SBE37O timeSeries, NRT in situ Observations
E2M3A SBE37O timeSeries, NRT in situ Observations -
E2M3A SBE16PLS timeSeries, NRT in situ Observations
E2M3A SBE16PLS timeSeries, NRT in situ Observations -
E2M3A timeSeries ALL INSTRUMENTS, NRT in situ Observations
E2M3A timeSeries ALL INSTRUMENTS, NRT in situ Observations -
E2M3A timeSeries, data collected from 2021 to 2022
E2M3A timeSeries, data collected from 2021 to 2022 -
Med Sea, Cretan Sea, NRT in situ Observations
Med Sea - Cretan Sea - Near Real Time (NRT) in situ Observations -
Med Sea, Cretan Sea, NRT in situ Observations
Med Sea - Cretan Sea - Near Real Time (NRT) in situ Observations -
Med Sea, Cretan Sea, NRT in situ Observations
Med Sea - Cretan Sea - Near Real Time (NRT) in situ Observations -
Med Sea, Cretan Sea, NRT in situ Observations
Med Sea - Cretan Sea - Near Real Time (NRT) in situ Observations -
Med Sea, Cretan Sea, NRT in situ Observations
Med Sea - Cretan Sea - Near Real Time (NRT) in situ Observations -
Med Sea, Cretan Sea, NRT in situ Observations
Med Sea - Cretan Sea - Near Real Time (NRT) in situ Observations -
Med Sea, Cretan Sea, NRT in situ Observations
Med Sea - Cretan Sea - Near Real Time (NRT) in situ Observations -
Med Sea, Cretan Sea, NRT in situ Observations
Med Sea - Cretan Sea - Near Real Time (NRT) in situ Observations