Onco* version 0.1.0
Onco* version 0.1.0 Onco* is a module based umbrella software project for numerical simulations of patient-specific cancer diseases, see following figure. From given input... -
Replication Data for: Efficient Partition-of-Unity Radial-Basis Function Inte...
This dataset contains software (preCICE v3.1.1 and ASTE) as well as setup files and instructions to reproduce the experiments of Schneider and Uekermann "Efficient... -
preCICE Distribution Version v2404.0
The preCICE distribution is the larger ecosystem around preCICE, which includes the core library, language bindings, adapters for popular solvers, tutorials, and vagrant files... -
Micro Manager Version v0.3.0
The Micro Manager is a tool to facilitate solving two-scale (macro-micro) coupled problems using the coupling library preCICE. The compressed source files of this data set are... -
OncoFEM version 1.0
OncoFEM is a software tool to perform numerical simulations of tumours based on medical image data or academic geometries, providing a possible tumour evolution. The software... -
Replication Data for “Postinhibitory excitation in motoneurons can be facilit...
This dataset contains spiketrains from experimental as well as simulated motoneurons that were analysed for the publication Postinhibitory excitation in motoneurons can be... -
preCICE Distribution Version v2211.0
The preCICE distribution is the larger ecosystem around preCICE, which includes the core library, language bindings, adapters for popular solvers, tutorials, and vagrant files... -
Replication Data for: "High-density magnetomyography is superior to high-dens...
This dataset contains simulated high-density magnetomyography data and high-desnity surface elecoromyography data that was generated for the publication High-density... -
Reproduction data for: A preCICE-FMI Runner to Couple FMUs to PDE-Based Simul...
Input files and results for two simulation examples using the preCICE-FMI runner as described in "A preCICE-FMI Runner to Couple FMUs to PDE-Based Simulations". First, the... -
Replication Data for: A preCICE-FMI Runner to couple controller models to PDEs
A preCICE-FMI Runner was developed during the Master's Thesis "A preCICE-FMI Runner to couple controller models to PDEs". It couples models using the FMI standard with other... -
preCICE Distribution Version v2202.0
The preCICE distribution is the larger ecosystem around preCICE, which includes the core library, language bindings, adapters for popular solvers, tutorials, and vagrant files... -
Test Setup of Turbine Blade Data Mapping
Input data, scripts, and results of the data mapping tests of section 2.2 of "Chourdakis et al., preCICE v2 - A Sustainable and User-Friendly Coupling Library, 2022". Refer to... -
Coalescence of two nanoscopic argon droplets by phase-field modeling
Coalescence of argon droplets with a radius of R=25, 50 and 100 nm was studied with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The constitutive equations for the CFD simulations were... -
Coalescence of two nanoscopic argon droplets by molecular dynamics simulation
Coalescence of argon droplets with a radius of R=25, 50 and 100 nm was studied with molecular dynamics simulation. The truncated and shifted Lennard-Jones (LJTS) potential was... -
Electronic Supporting Information and Data for: Simulations Explain the Swell...
Electronic supporting information, simulation scripts, simulation data and plotting scripts for the paper "Simulations Explain the Swelling Behavior of Hydrogels with... -
Electronic Supporting Information and Data for: The pH-dependent Swelling of ...
Electronic supporting information, simulation scripts, simulation data and plotting scripts for the paper "The pH-dependent Swelling of Weak Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels Modeled at... -
Data for: Evaporation driven by conductive heat transport
The present data is a digest of the simulations conducted in the scope of the related publication. The phenomena of stationary evaporation of the Lennard-Jones-truncated-shifted... -
preCICE Distribution Version v2104.0
The preCICE distribution is the larger ecosystem around preCICE, which includes the core library, language bindings, adapters for popular solvers, tutorials, and vagrant files... -
ASTE: An artificial solver testing environment for partitioned coupling with ...
This dataset contains a software archive of the artificial solver testing environment ASTE (version v3.3.0), its corresponding documentation (as a PDF) and the compatible ASTE... -
Onco* version 0.1.0
Onco* version 0.1.0 Onco* is a module based umbrella software project for numerical simulations of patient-specific cancer diseases, see following figure. From given input...