Data for: Parametric Aerodynamic Study of a 3D Printed Cycloidal Rotor Protot...
This repository releases the 284 million cell case shortly described in the aforementioned paper and consists of a DDES CFD simulation of a cycloidal rotor which was scaled to... -
Numerical Data of Marangoni Test Case from "Visual Analysis of Interface Defo...
This dataset contains the numerical data of the Marangoni convection test case from the study "Visual Analysis of Interface Deformation in Multiphase Flow". In the two... -
Coalescence of two nanoscopic argon droplets by phase-field modeling
Coalescence of argon droplets with a radius of R=25, 50 and 100 nm was studied with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The constitutive equations for the CFD simulations were... -
Data for: Parametric Aerodynamic Study of a 3D Printed Cycloidal Rotor Protot...
This repository releases the 284 million cell case shortly described in the aforementioned paper and consists of a DDES CFD simulation of a cycloidal rotor which was scaled to... -
Numerical Data of Marangoni Test Case from "Visual Analysis of Interface Defo...
This dataset contains the numerical data of the Marangoni convection test case from the study "Visual Analysis of Interface Deformation in Multiphase Flow". In the two... -
Coalescence of two nanoscopic argon droplets by phase-field modeling
Coalescence of argon droplets with a radius of R=25, 50 and 100 nm was studied with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The constitutive equations for the CFD simulations were... -
Exemplary cause and effect chain of iron oxidation in a swirled laboratory co...
Exemplary cause and effect chain of iron oxidation in a swirled laboratory combustion chamber. Phenomena classification into three pillars: turbulent flow, mixing and heat... -
Exemplarische Wirkkette der Eisenoxidation am Beispiel einer verdrallten Labo...
Exemplarische Wirkkette der Eisenoxidation am Beispiel einer verdrallten Laborbrennkammer. Klassifizierung der Phänomene in drei Säulen: Turbulente Strömung, Mischung und...