Radiocabon compositon of fatty acids in sediment cores WSB and YJXB
This data set includes F¹⁴C of Fatty acids in two nearshore sediment cores collected by the piston corer from coastal South China Sea. These data could help us to constrain the... -
Stable carbon isotope compositon of fatty acids in surface sediment samples f...
About 5% of each FAME fraction from each sample were measured in duplicate on a Thermo Trace GC coupled via a combustion interface (1000 °C) to a Thermo Finnigan MAT 252 isotope... -
Radiocabon compositon of fatty acids in surface sediment samples from the nor...
The remaining 95% FAME from each sample were further separated to obtain purified target compounds on an Agilent 6890N GC equipped with a Restek Rxi-XLB capillary column (30 m,... -
Fatty acids and their carbon isotopes in two nearshore sediment cores from th...
This data set includes nuclide activities, grain size, content, δ¹³C and F¹⁴C of bulk OC and Fatty acids in two nearshore sediment cores collected by the piston corer from... -
Fatty acids and their carbon isotopes in surface sediments from the Pearl Riv...
Tropical and subtropical rivers deliver large quantities of terrestrial organic carbon to the ocean, acting as a crucial part of the global carbon cycle, but little is known... -
Stable carbon isotope compositon of fatty acids in sediment cores WSB and YJXB
This data set includes δ¹³C of bulk OC and Fatty acids in two nearshore sediment cores collected by the piston corer from coastal South China Sea. These data could help us to...