Lipid class composition of mesopelagic fish from the North Atlantic Ocean and...
Mesopelagic fish collected during 3 field campaigns in 2020 were analysed for their lipid content. The sampling was conducted on 5 main locations; 2 stations in the Western... -
Heart rate measured during heat ramp exposure experiments of the European oys...
This dataset contains heart rate data measured during heat ramp experiments of the European oyster, Ostrea edulis. We studied organismal and heart tissue cellular responses of... -
Macrofauna from stable isotope tracer incubation experiments under climate ch...
An experimental approach was developed to assess the individual and combined effects of two climate change stressors (temperature and POC quality) on benthic macrofaunal... -
The role of the Port of Hamburg for biodiversity: 11008 faunistic records for...
The BMDV network of experts commissioned a comprehensive terrestrial biodiversity assessment of the Hamburg harbor area, enlisting local experts to conduct the surveys. This... -
Labelled Siberian boreal forest types shapefiles based on field surveys: deta...
This dataset represents 103 labelled approx. 60x60 meters shapefiles representing different forest types. Seventy-nine sites were visited forest plots during AWI field... -
Annotation of metabolites produced by bacteria isolated from the mesopelagic ...
Putative annotation of metabolites produced by the Psychrobacter sp. SU143, Psychrobacter sp. SU137, Shewanella sp. SU126 and Polaribacter sp. SU124 in the liquid and solid... -
Database of deep-sea benthic fauna occurrences along the Brazilian Continenta...
The dataset contains species occurrence records of deep-sea benthic fauna distributed along the Brazilian Continental Margin (BCM). Benthic records from existing and openly... -
Elemental composition of deep pelagic fish and crustaceans sampled between 20...
The dataset contains 108 records of major and trace element concentrations measured on (eviscerated) whole bodies of meso- to bathypelagic fish (19 species), decapods (4... -
Energy density of deep pelagic fish and crustaceans sampled between 2002 and ...
The dataset contains 361 records of energy density values measured on (eviscerated) whole bodies of meso- to bathypelagic fish (49 species), decapods (4 species) and euphausiids... -
Spatial layers supporting the revised nomination proforma for the North Atlan...
This dataset is a compilation of spatial layers and scientific data underpinning the 2022-23 revision of the nomination proforma for the "North Atlantic Current and Evlanov Sea... -
Species captured at stations off La Vieja Island in 2007, Independencia Bay, ...
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Species captured at stations off La Vieja Island in 2006, Independencia Bay, ...
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Species captured at stations off La Vieja Island in 2005, Independencia Bay, ...
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Species captured during SNP-2 cruise in 2007, Independencia Bay, Peru
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Species captured during SNP-2 cruise in 2006, Independencia Bay, Peru
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Compilation of new estimations on trophic positions of marine biota from the ...
Oceanic food webs are organized in a continuum from microbial to metazoan linked by trophic interactions. Assessment of the position of organisms in the food web, i.e., their... -
Compilation of new data on stable nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios of marin...
Isotopic data are valuable to investigate species interactions and food web structure. This file compiles δ13C and δ15N values of various marine taxa; most of data correspond to... -
Compilation of stomach content data from temperate Atlantic and western Medit...
This file contains data on mesopelagic fish stomach content reported as the number of prey categories in each fish stomach and their carbon masses. These data come from samples... -
(Table S1) Sponge biomass and natural isotopic ratios for incubated deep-sea ...
HMA Average background delta values for 13C and 15N are presented for deep-sea sponge species Geodia barretti (Demosponge, HMA), Hymedesmia paupertas (Demosponge, LMA) and... -
KOSMOS 2014 mesocosm study: particle sinking velocity (Fig. 6)
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