Diatom relative and absolute abundances from IODP Site U1537 covering MIS-32 ...
These data are relative abundance (%) and absolute abundance (valves per gram dry weight) for diatoms identified to the species level. The core was collected at 60 degrees South... -
Phytoplankton abundance and biomass measured on water bottle samples during P...
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Diatom abundance during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-X/6
Apstein net (20 µm mesh) from surface 20m and Multinet (64 µm mesh) from 5 depths down to 300 m were examined live for floristic assesment. Samples were preserved and prepared... -
Relative diatoms abundance of sediment core TAN1302-44 from Adélie Land, East...
Species were identified, counted and their relative abundance was calculated (number of species/ total number of valves per slide) within 350-5 cm-depth by Lea Pesjak. -
(Appendix 1) Diatom occurrences in samples from different sectors of the Arge...
Occurrence as follows: X = found, - = not found. -
(Table T1) Neogene stratigraphy of diatoms, ebridians and endoskeletal dinofl...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Abundance estimate as follows: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, X = present, B = barren, r = rare occurrences of a taxon interpreted... -
(Table T2) Diatom abundance in ODP Hole 188-1165B sediments
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Abundance estimate as follows: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, Tr = trace, - = not found. Abundance letter followed by 'r' = out of... -
Phytoplankton biomass during Akademik Vernadsky cruise AV22
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Phytoplankton abundance during Akademik Vernadsky cruise AV22
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(Table 13) Pliocene-Pleistocene diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 120-751A
R = rare ( one specimen of a particular species encountered in 5-20 fields of view using a 40X objective and 10X ocular), F = frequent (one specimen in every 5 fields), C =... -
(Table 8) Miocene-Pleistocene diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 120-748B
R = rare ( one specimen of a particular species encountered in 5-20 fields of view using a 40X objective and 10X ocular), F = frequent (one specimen in every 5 fields), C =... -
Diatom assamblage in samples from sediment trap NBP96-04A_MS7a_trap
Numbers represent the calculated diatom flux as recorded by the mooring, and the individual species counts. The diatom flux [#/m**2/day] was calculated using two different... -
Diatom assamblage in samples from sediment trap NBP96-04A_MS6_trap
Numbers represent the calculated diatom flux as recorded by the mooring, and the individual species counts. The diatom flux [#/m**2/day] was calculated using two different... -
Diatom assamblage in samples from sediment trap NBP96-04A_MS5_trap
Numbers represent the calculated diatom flux as recorded by the mooring, and the individual species counts. The diatom flux [#/m**2/day] was calculated using two different... -
Diatom assamblage in samples from sediment trap NBP96-04A_MS4_trap
Numbers represent the calculated diatom flux as recorded by the mooring, and the individual species counts. The diatom flux [#/m**2/day] was calculated using two different... -
Diatom assamblage in samples from sediment trap NBP96-04A_MS3_trap
Numbers represent the calculated diatom flux as recorded by the mooring, and the individual species counts. The diatom flux [#/m**2/day] was calculated using two different... -
Diatom assamblage in samples from sediment trap NBP96-04A_MS2_trap
Numbers represent the calculated diatom flux as recorded by the mooring, and the individual species counts. The diatom flux [#/m**2/day] was calculated using two different...