Glass major and trace element geochemistry from Atitlán caldera tephras (Tabl...
This dataset presents major and trace element concentrations of glass shards from tephra deposits of the Atitlán caldera in Guatemala, Central America. Major element... -
Foreign Policy Attitudes of US-American Elites. Transcripts of Expert Interviews
EN: This study observed the grand strategy imperatives of foreign policy experts in the U.S. from the executive branch, congress, think tanks, media, and academia in Washington,... -
Außenpolitische Einstellungen deutscher Eliten. Transkripte der Expert:inneni...
Diese Studie erhob grundlegende außenpolitische Einstellungen deutscher Entscheidungsträger:innen und Expert:innen der Exekutive, des Bundestags, aus Think Tanks, Medien und... -
Glass shard major and trace-element compositions from the TB eruption suite (...
This dataset includes results from glass major- and trace-element compositions of the last four explosive silicic eruptions from Ilopango caldera in El Salvador (TBJ, TB2, TB3,...