Species assemblages of the rocky intertidal at Helgoland (German Bight, North...
Environmental variablesExposed (erosion rates of gypsum blocks : 0.14-0.16 g/h; during westerly winds (force 4-5) which are prevailing around Helgoland rates reaches 0.28 g/h... -
Early succession in benthic hard bottom communities in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard...
To study early succession round Polyethylen-succession-panels (40 x 1.5 cm) were directly installed on a vertical rock face. Panel surface area: panel front = 907 cm2, back =... -
Early succession in benthic hard bottom communities in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard...
To study early succession round Polyethylen-succession-panels (40 x 1.5 cm) were directly installed on a vertical rock face. Panel surface area: panel front = 907 cm2, back =... -
Benthic fauna in soft sediments from the Barents and Pechora Seas
Benthic infaunal abundance data from 138 stations in the Barents Sea and surrounding waters are provided in a public database. All samples were collected with a 0.1 m2 van Veen... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and Celleporella hyalina biological processes du...
Increased anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the last two centuries have lead to rising sea surface temperature and falling ocean pH, and it is predicted that current global trends...