Study of a spin gap and CEF excitations in the caged compounds CeT2Al10 (T=Fe...
This proposal was submitted on MERLIN (RB1010206) and beam time was allocated on MARI. We have carried out low energy measurements on MARI and found a clear evidence of the spin... -
Single crystal study of spin gap formation in CeT2Al10 (T=Ru and Os)
Our recent inelastic neutron scattering (INS) study using MARI clearly reveals the presence of a sharp inelastic excitation near 8 meV and 11 meV in CeT2Al10 (T=Ru and Os)... -
Study of a spin gap and CEF excitations in the caged compounds CeT2Al10 (T=Fe...
This proposal was submitted on MERLIN (RB1010206) and beam time was allocated on MARI. We have carried out low energy measurements on MARI and found a clear evidence of the spin... -
Study of hybridization gap and insulator-metal transition in caged compounds ...
Heavy fermion compounds with a small energy gap opening in the strongly hybridised 4f-band at EF are currently under intensive investigations. Recently some of us have...