RNAseq of deep-sea corals exposed to anthropogenic pollutants
To investigate the impacts of anthropogenic pollutants and their synergistic effects on corals, we analyzed the transcriptional responses of the deep-sea octocorals Callogorgia... -
Effect of cold seeps on coral microbiomes and transcriptomes
Proximity to cold seeps does not influence coral holobiont composition, function and associated epifauna -
Skimming genomes for systematics and DNA barcodes of corals
Project detaiing a genome skimming approach followed by bioinformatically pulling UCEs and exons from the low-coverage genome data. -
Population connectivity of Callogoria delta in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Population connectivity of Callogoria delta in the northern Gulf of Mexico -
Systematic family-level revision of the Octocorallia
Data herein are part of a paper on systematics of octocorals, and were obtained via a targeted capture approach