5 datasets found

Keywords: CTD O2

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  • French PIRATA cruises: CTD-O2 data

    CTD-O2 (Conducticity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen) data were collected with a SEA-BIRD SBE911+ (SBE19  for FR6-8) CTD in the Gulf of Guinea during cruises carried out from 1997 in...
  • AMAZOMIX cruise - Physical datasets

    Physical data associated with the AMAZOMIX cruise. The Amazon shelf encompasses a variety of physical processes, such as fluvial inputs, coastal currents, mesoscale, filaments,...
  • ABRACOS 1 cruise - Physical datasets

    Physical data associated with the ABRACO cruise. The ABRACOS (Acoustics along the BRAzilian COaSt) cruise aims to begin an integrated approach to monitoring the tropical marine...
  • ABRACOS 2 cruise - Physical datasets

    Physical data associated with the ABRACO2 cruise. The ABRACOS2 cruise's main objective was to draw up a 3D characterisation of the abiotic and biotic compartments and their...
  • French PIRATA cruises: CHEMICAL ANALYSIS data

    “Bottle” (during the CTD-O2 upcasts) and Surface data (discrete samples of salinity, oxygen, pigments, nutrients) collected in the Gulf of Guinea during cruises carried out in...
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