I’m alone but not lonely. U-shaped pattern of perceived loneliness during the...
In the past months, many countries have adopted varying degrees of lockdown restrictions to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. According to the existing literature, some... -
Post-COVID Recovery: Education, Resilience & Mental Health [Keynote]
Dr Keri Wong gave the keynote at the International Congress for Educators, attended by over 1,500 participants (of whom 561 were at this talk). She shares her latest findings... -
Effects of Video Background Setting on Interview Outcomes: A Stereotype Conte...
The thesis aims to investigate the effect of different video background settings on interview outcome, the potential mediation of perceived warmth and perceived competence... -
Covid-19 related behaviors in university setting
To learn more about University Students’ adherence to COVID-19 guidelines (study 1) Identifying determinants of students’ adherence to COVID-19 guidelines (and the... -
Dataset accompanying Holopainen, Verhage, Schuengel, Tharner, & Oosterman
This datafile holds the data used in Holopainen, Verhage, Schuengel, Tharner & Oosterman, "Mothers’ chronic parenting stress, social support and parental burnout during the... -
VICTIMS-study 2018-2021, victims and corona
Victims of violence, accidents and threats are at risk for mental health problems. Lower coping self-efficacy and social support levels increase this risk. Although highly... -
Þátttaka almennings í sóttvarnaraðgerðum vegna COVID-19 faraldursins í apríl ...
Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands hefur í samstarfi við fræðafólk á Félagsvísindasviði Háskóla Íslands kannað þátttöku og afstöðu Íslendinga til aðgerða almannavarna til að... -
Data publication: Reservoir computing on epidemic spreading: A case study on ...
Python scripts and relevant data required for reproducing the figures in the article -
Data publication: Impact of intervention on the spread of COVID-19 in India: ...
This contains a set of MATLAB scripts and data that were used to generate the figures and results in the manuscripts. -
Software publication: Optimal workplace occupancy strategies during the COVID...
Codes for "Optimal workplace occupancy strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic" -
Software publication: Modeling COVID-19 optimal testing strategies in long-te...
Algorithm for computing the optimal testing strategy and reproducing the figures.