Spirituality as a Buffer Between Negative Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic an...
This dataset contains the data, SPSS scripts, and documentary material. -
Data publication: DATIV - Remote enhancement of smart aerosol measurement sys...
Two data sets are provided: one contains measurements taken without ventilation, and the other contains measurements taken with ventilation (open window). -
Fake news and vaccine hesitancy
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to exact a heavy death toll, weakens health systems and devastates economies, the discovery and delivery of vaccines have rekindled hope.... -
Nowcasting Norwegian household consumption with debit card transaction data (...
This entry contains information about the data used in our analysis. The debit card transaction data that we use are confidential and cannot be made publicly available.... -
SIECRT - Small Island Economies COVID-19 Response Tracker
SIECRT is a new dataset focused on public health measures adopted by 26 small affiliated island economies in their fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, between January 1, 2020,... -
Nowcasting euro area GDP with news sentiment: A tale of two crises (replicati...
Replication data for Ashwin et al (2024) Nowcasting euro area GDP with news sentiment: A tale of two crises. Code for the paper is available at... -
Presentation "How to Archive a Corona Archive Project? The University of Hamb...
The poster presents the long-term digital archiving strategy that the Hamburg University Archives (Universitätsarchiv - Universität Hamburg) developed for the... -
The impact of COVID-19 on blood donations
During a crisis, society calls for individuals to take prosocial actions that promote crisis management. Indeed, individuals show higher willingness to help after a disaster.... -
The role of affect, satisfaction, and internal drive on per-sonal moral norms...
Societies require prosocial activities during crises. The COVID-19 pandemic presents individuals with unique challenges that may affect their emotional state leading to reformed... -
Molecular consequences of SARS-CoV-2 liver tropism
Extrapulmonary manifestations of COVID-19 have gained attention, not only due to their links to clinical outcomes, but also due to their potential long-term sequelae. Recent... -
Molecular consequences of SARS-CoV-2 liver tropism
Extrapulmonary manifestations of COVID-19 have gained attention, not only due to their links to clinical outcomes, but also due to their potential long-term sequelae. Recent... -
Student Well-being in Times of COVID-19 in the Netherlands
Since March 2020, measures surrounding COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in emergency remote teaching with, among others, fewer opportunities for interpersonal contact (Burns et... -
STROBE checklist for Wellcome Open Research paper "The impact of the COVID-19...
'Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology' (STROBE) checklist (https://www.strobe-statement.org/checklists/) for Wellcome Open Research paper "The... -
Loneliness and diurnal cortisol levels during COVID-19 lockdown: the roles of...
These data accompany the manuscript "Loneliness and diurnal cortisol levels during COVID-19 lockdown: the roles of living situation, relationship status and relationship... -
Todesursachenstatistik 2022, On-Site, Version 0
Die Todesursachenstatistik stützt sich auf den Leichenschauschein, der von dem den Tod feststellenden Arzt ausgefüllt wird, sowie auf die Sterbefallzählkarte, die der... -
Corona and the Cross: Religious Affiliation, Church Bans, and Covid Infections
We examine the effectiveness of church service bans in containing the spread of Covid-19 in Germany. We furthermore investigate how differences in the local religious... -
Spremljanje epidemije covid-19: Sledilnik in podatkovna infrastruktura v Slov...
Raziskava preučuje potek in razloge za vzpostavljanje prostovoljnega projekta COVID-19 Sledilnik, ki je nastal v času izbruha epidemije koronavirusa SARS-Cov-2 v Sloveniji in je... -
Odnos do cepljenja proti SARS-CoV-2, 2020
Decembra 2020 je bilo cepivo proti SARS-CoV-2 prvič odobreno v zahodnem svetu. Vendar je učinkovitost nacionalnih načrtov cepljenja odvisna od pripravljenosti prebivalstva, da... -
Odnos do cepljenja proti SARS-CoV-2, 2020
Decembra 2020 je bilo cepivo proti SARS-CoV-2 prvič odobreno v zahodnem svetu, vendar je učinkovitost nacionalnih načrtov cepljenja odvisna od pripravljenosti prebivalstva, da... -
Data and codes for "Estimating the impact of influenza on the epidemiological...
Data and R codes associated with the manuscript "Estimating the impact of influenza on the epidemiological dynamics of SARS-CoV-2" (https://peerj.com/articles/12566/).