School choice and local place: Parental perceptions and the impact of race, e...
This research examines the question of parental choice of secondary schools in Manchester and Stockport. In particular, it will explore the extent to which parents are seeking... -
The role of celebrity in young people's classed and gendered aspirations
Interview and focus groups transcripts, school summaries and participants overview in six 11-19 co-educational comprehensive schools. This youth-centred study combines... -
Diversity and the white working class focus group data
Four focus groups of 15 individuals each were conducted in greater London and Birmingham in adjacent locales, one diverse, one more homogeneous. Locations were Croydon and... -
The socio-cultural and learning experiences of working class students in High...
This is a 28 month project funded by the ESRC and is part of the Teaching and Learning Research Programme. The aims of the research are to: compare and contrast the social and...