Tintinnid community composition during CHINARE_12 cruise to the Arctic Basin ...
In this data, tintinnid species occurrence (abundance, ind./L) is presented for each sampling point (depth of a specified station with coordinates) during cruise CHINARE_12 with... -
Drift Towing Ocean Profiler (DTOP) data on sea ice, meteorological conditions...
Vertical profiles of water temperature, pressure and salinity were measured by the Drift Towing Ocean Profiler (DTOP) buoy 2020, an autonomous platform, installed on drifting... -
Atmospheric data of the Drift Towing Ocean Profiler (DTOP) from buoy 2020, de...
Vertical profiles of water temperature, pressure and salinity were measured by the Drift Towing Ocean Profiler (DTOP) buoy 2020, an autonomous platform, installed on drifting... -
Ocean data of the Drift Towing Ocean Profiler (DTOP) from buoy 2020, deployed...
Vertical profiles of water temperature, pressure and salinity were measured by the Drift Towing Ocean Profiler (DTOP) buoy 2020, an autonomous platform, installed on drifting...