FabFramework.Core: Task-Based Robotic Fabrication Framework
FabFramework is designed around a Task-Based Fabrication methodology, which transforms digital design models into sequential, data-driven robotic tasks. This approach ensures... -
Reinforcement Arrangement Data
This repository contains three computational hollow timber slab reinforcement arrangement methods and their results when applied to a testing setup representing the... -
Timber Column Slab Solver
This dataset contains an agent-based exploration of the design space for modular slab and column systems. The primary objective is to equip designers with the ability to... -
ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns: Agent-based Column Arrangement for Multi-Storey Str...
ABxM.MultiStorey.Columns is an add-on for the agent-based design and arrangement of columns in multi-storey, point-supported structures. The add-on contains various agent system... -
Multi-Level, Multi-Agent Timber Slab Design Method Proof of Concept
This repository contains the algorithmic methods and geometric results of the proof of concept for a multi-level, multi-agent timber slab design method. It includes the base... -
Floor Plate Segmentation Data
This repository contains the geometric results of six developed computational floor plate segmentation methods as applied to sixteen example floor plans. It includes the floor... -
Multi-storey Timber Buildings Data: Architectural and Structural Data on 350 ...
This repository contains a collection of data on 350 contemporary multi-storey timber building projects. The dataset consists of information on 300 projects built between 2000...