GAP stage 1
The Genomics for Australian (GAP) Phylogenomics has the ambitious long-term goal of resolving the Australian Angiosperm Tree of Life (AAToL) to species level using a common set... -
Mangrove Genome Project
Mangrove Genome Project -
Small RNA profiles in mangroves
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) and endogenous small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) play an important role in plant stress responses but the small RNA (sRNA) repertoire is poorly characterized in... -
transcriptomics of the chilling stress response in Bruguiera gymnorhiza
Low temperatures largely determine the geographic limits of plant species by reducing plant survival and growth. Mangroves are primarily tropical with some species extending... -
Exploring the long-term colonisation and persistence of probiotic-prophylaxis...
Exploring the long-term colonisation and persistence of probiotic-prophylaxis species on the gut microbiome of preterm infants: a pilot study -
mangrove evolution
Raw sequence data from mangroves -
Genome Sequencing of Mangrove trees
Epigenome and Transcriptome study of Bruguiera gymnorhiza -
Transcriptomes of several Rhizophoraceae species
The transcriptomes of several mangrove and terrestrial plants in Rhizophoraceae were de novo assembled and compared, to provide insights on adaptation to the extreme intertidal... -
Bruguiera gymnorhiza isolate:BG-1 Genome sequencing and assembly
In this study, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza was sequenced by 10x linked read and scaffolding by HI-C reads using HiRISE software -
Complete chloroplast genomes of four novel mangrove species provided insights...
Rhizophoraceae is one of the most important mangrove communities, which comprise plants living in intertidal environment. In China, there exist four genera including eight... -
Molecular Mechanism of Upwelling Stress to Mangrove Plants
Distributed at coastal line, mangrove roots are subjected to low temperature seawater brought by upwelling.Low temperature in roots can lead to membranes disorganization,... -
De novo Transcriptome assembly of Mangrove trees
De novo Transcriptome of Mangrove trees -
Bruguiera chloroplast sequences
The sequences are used to assembly chloroplast Bruguiera genome sequences. -
Bruguiera gymnorhiza Raw sequence reads
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L) Poir -
intertidal mangrove wetlands Raw sequence reads
Intertidal mangrove wetlands are of great economic and ecological importance. The regular influence by tide leading to the microbial communities in these wetlands differs... -
Genome of six Rhizophoraceae species
Genome assembly sequences of six Rhizophoraceae species.