Core top coccolithophore productivity compared to modern observations in the ...
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Core top chlorophyll concentration compared to modern observations in the eas...
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Core top alkenone (C37) data compared to modern observations in the eastern e...
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Core top sea surface temperature data compared to modern observations in the ...
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Biomarker data in TOC from the (sub)Arctic
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Biomarker data in sediments from the (sub)Arctic
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Environmental data from the (sub)Arctic
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(S2) Total organic carbon, UK'37 index and derived sea surface temperature ba...
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Distribution of planktic foraminifera in surface sediments in the northeaster...
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(Table 4) Lipid composition of deep-water corals Lophelia pertusa and Madrepo...
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(Table 1) Delta 15N isotope ratios of the deep water corals Lophelia pertusa ...
Mean value of Lophelia pertusa = 8.75, std dev = 1.42; mean value of Madrepora oculata = 7.71, std dev = 0.91 -
Summary of sediment core sites of water regions in the Atlantic and Pacific o...
Summary of sediment core sites including number of available data for each of the five proxies used. Data columns indicate the site name, longitude (lon, °E), latitude (lat,... -
XRF-scanning elemental data and core descriptions from sediment cores obtaine...
Semi-quantitative elemental concentrations from X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scans were measured for six sediment cores obtained during the iMirabilis2 expedition off Cabo Verde.... -
Oxygen isotopic ratio of Globigerinoides ruber (white variety) in the surface...
The application of stable oxygen isotopic ratio of surface dwelling Globigerinoides ruber (white variety) (δ¹⁸Oruber) to reconstruct past hydrological changes requires precise... -
Compilation of deglacial Southern Ocean planktic foraminiferal d18O data
This dataset contains a compilation of planktic foraminiferal d18O from sediment cores spanning the last deglaciation in the Southern Ocean. The compilation includes 4610 data... -
Global temperature calibration of the Long chain Diol Index in marine surface...
0 = coel.; *0 = not available.Note 1: If there was no salinity data (WOA13) available for a certain core-top location, and there was also no LDI or C32 1,15-diol fractional... -
List of cores with links to documentation datasets
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(Table 1) Sea surface temperature reconstruction for eastern equatorial Pacif...
Significant uncertainties persist in the reconstruction of past sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific, especially regarding the amplitude of the glacial... -
Compilation of scientific results of the EU project BENGAL
This data collection presents the compilation of scientific results of the EU project BENGAL. -
Lipids and nitrogen isotopes of deep-water corals
The lipid and organic nitrogen isotopic (delta15N) compositions of two common deep-water corals (Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata) collected from selected locations of the...