Antarctic free-air and complete Bouguer gravity anomaly grid
Gravity surveying is challenging in Antarctica because of its hostile environment and inaccessibility. Nevertheless, many ground-based, airborne, and shipborne gravity campaigns... -
Tab. 2: Gravity measurements of the Inntal underground at Thaur
A cross-section of the Inn-valley has been surveyed by refraction- and refiection-seismic and gravimetrie methods. The thickness of the Inn-va.!ley sediments is 340- 390 m. At... -
Individual magnetic and gravity measurement on North-South profile M2_20022 a...
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Individual magnetic and gravity measurement on North-South profile M2_20021 a...
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Individual magnetic and gravity measurement on North-South profile M2_20020 a...
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Individual magnetic and gravity measurement on North-South profile M2_20019 a...
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Individual magnetic and gravity measurement on North-South profile M2_20018 a...
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Individual magnetic and gravity measurement on North-South profile M2_20017 a...
This dataset has no description
Table 1: Station data for the entire survey, including coordinates and descri...
During GANOVEX VI new gravity data were collected along an east-west profile in North Victoria Land south of the Drygalski Ice Tongue, extending 150 km across the Transantarctic...