Benthic foraminifera species images of surface sediment samples from the Sout...
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Benthic foraminifera species pore measurements of surface sediment samples fr...
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Rose Bengal staining status, surface sediment calibrated age, δ18O values, an...
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Benthic foraminifera species abundance of surface sediment samples from the S...
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Bottom water nitrate concentration, bottom water temperature, bottom water pH...
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Benthic foraminiferal pore patterns as paleoxygenation proxy in the Southeast...
This dataset includes the pore pattern measurements of calcareous benthic foraminifera to calibrate a proxy for reconstructing bottom water dissolved oxygen (BWDO) levels in the... -
Benthic and planktic foraminiferal trace element ratios at IODP Site 383-U154...
This dataset presents foraminiferal trace element ratios at International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1540 (55° 8.47ʹ S, 114° 50.52ʹ W, 3580 m) during Marine Isotope Stage 11.... -
Neodymium (Nd) isotope composition of fossil fish debris and mixed planktic f...
This dataset presents neodymium (Nd) isotope ratios derived from fossil fish teeth/-bones (hereafter fish debris) and Fe-Mn coatings from mixed planktic foraminifera covering... -
Benthic foraminiferal stable oxygen isotope ratios (δ¹⁸O) at IODP Site 383-U1...
This dataset presents stable oxygen isotope ratios measured on the epibenthic foraminifera Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and Cibicides kullenbergi at International Ocean Discovery... -
Stable oxygen isotope and trace element ratios, neodymium isotope composition...
This dataset presents a high-resolution multi-proxy analyses and includes sedimentary census counts, foraminiferal stable oxygen isotope and trace element ratios, and the... -
Sedimentary census counts at IODP Site 383-U1540 during Marine Isotope Stage 11
This dataset presents sedimentary census counts at International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1540 (55° 8.47ʹ S, 114° 50.52ʹ W, 3580 m) during Marine Isotope Stage 11 and... -
Tie points between benthic foraminiferal δ¹⁸O record at IODP Site 383-U1540 a...
This dataset presents the defined tiepoints of the stratigraphic alignment between the high-resolution benthic foraminiferal (Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and Cibicides... -
Compilations of semi-quantitative glacial bottom water oxygen in Arabian Sea ...
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Geochemistry of sediment core TN041-8PG and TN041-8JPC from modern sediments ...
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Geochemistry of modern sediments and the glacial Arabian Sea
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Benthic isotope records in three sediment cores
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Cibicidoides spp. surface porosity-based bottom water oxygen records in seven...
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Porosity measured on benthic foraminifera from modern sediments and the glaci...
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Iodine/calcium ratio measured on benthic foraminifera from modern sediments a...
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Comparing paleo-oxygenation proxies (benthic foraminiferal surface porosity, ...
A total of 70 core-top samples and 24 down-core samples were used in this study. All sediment samples were taken from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Seafloor...