Various fish species from FishLife and Thacker libraries. Genome sequencing a...
Various fish species from FishLife and Thacker libraries. Genome sequencing and assembly -
Mitocondrial Genome Sequencing of Schismatogobius (Gobiidae) from Japan
Mitochondrial DNA sequencing of Schismatogobius species from Japan for taxonomy and phylogeny of this genus. Kraemeria species used as an outgroup taxon. -
UCE sequencing in gobiarian fishes
Libraries enriched for 500 or 1,000 UCE loci -
Contaminated or low coverage - do not use
Contaminated - do not use -
Sequence data for genomes and specific loci of Bostrychus sinensis
Sequence data for Bostrychus sinensis: Final Hi-C scaffolds clean reads for original and Hi-C genome assemblies, for resequenced genomes, and for RNAseq data and... -
Odontobutidae Raw sequence reads
This is a much-needed revision and phylogeny of genera within the gobiiform family Odontobutidae. Odontibutidae is restricted to east Asia and has received little revisionary... -
Transcriptome sequencing of spleen after wouned fish
A research related to skin ulceration and wound healing