SWEOLD - Undersökningen om äldre personers levnadsvillkor
SWEOLD is a nationally representative survey of the older population in Sweden. The sample consists of individuals previously included in the selection of Swedish Level of... -
SNAC - Swedish National study on Aging and Care.
The long-term longitudinal study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care - was launched in 2001 by initiative of the Swedish government in order to answer questions... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Nordanstig (SNAC-N)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Blekinge (SNAC-B)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Skåne (SNAC-S) - GÅS
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne Gott... -
Danska Västindien-panelen
Economic-demographic panel dataset over the Danish West Indies (current-day US Virgin Islands), 1760-1914. The dataset contains demographic information on the population, and... -
LNU - Levnadsnivåundersökningen: Registerinformation om inkomst
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU - Levnadsnivåundersökningen: Registerinformation om yrke, social klass oc...
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU68 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1968
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU74 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1974
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU81 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1981
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU91 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 1991
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
LNU00 - Levnadsnivåundersökningen 2000
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
SWEOLD - Undersökningen om äldre personers levnadsvillkor 1992
SWEOLD is a nationally representative survey of the older population in Sweden. The sample consists of individuals previously included in the selection of Swedish Level of... -
SWEOLD - Undersökningen om äldre personers levnadsvillkor 2002
SWEOLD is a nationally representative survey of the older population in Sweden. The sample consists of individuals previously included in the selection of Swedish Level of... -
SWEOLD - Undersökningen om äldre personers levnadsvillkor 2004
SWEOLD is a nationally representative survey of the older population in Sweden. The sample consists of individuals previously included in the selection of Swedish Level of... -
SWEOLD - Undersökningen om äldre personers levnadsvillkor 2011
SWEOLD is a nationally representative survey of the older population in Sweden. The sample consists of individuals previously included in the selection of Swedish Level of... -
SWEOLD - Undersökningen om äldre personers levnadsvillkor 2014
SWEOLD is a nationally representative survey of the older population in Sweden. The sample consists of individuals previously included in the selection of Swedish Level of... -
SNAC - Swedish National study on Aging and Care.
The long-term longitudinal study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care - was launched in 2001 by initiative of the Swedish government in order to answer questions...