Sediment disturbance experiment data with samples from the Chatham Rise, Sout...
We examined changes in environmental parameters following an experimental benthic disturbance using a modified plough (estimated 15 cm penetration) on the Chatham Rise (~450 m... -
Fish biomass data during Alkor cruise AL614
This data set includes fish biomass data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL614 cruise conducted in June 2024 (6th to 15th of June) in the Western Baltic Sea by the... -
Fish biomass data during Alkor cruise AL608
This data set includes fish biomass data collected during the RV ALKOR cruise AL608 conducted in March 2024 in the Western Baltic Sea by the University of Hamburg. The cruise... -
Data on nematode genus, body size, biomass, feeding types, tail shapes and c-...
This dataset contains information on Arctic deep-sea nematode genus body size, biomass, feeding types, tail shapes and cp-values (years 2010, 2014 and 2019). Sampling was... -
Effects of in situ CO2 enrichment on structural characteristics, photosynthes...
Seagrass is expected to benefit from increased carbon availability under future ocean acidification. This hypothesis has been little tested by in situ manipulation. To test for... -
Nematoda abundance and biomass from iron-enriched sediments at LTER HAUSGARTE...
Impact of Local Iron Enrichment on the Small Benthic Biota in the deep Arctic Ocean The study assesses the impact of local iron enrichment on the small benthic biota (bacteria,... -
ELPA (European Leaf Physiognomic Approach): Grid data set of environmental an...
0.5° lat. x 0.5° lon. grid data set -
Cytotype-level responses and of Spartina plants to drought and elevated atmos...
Global change factors, such as drought and elevated atmospheric CO₂ levels, can have strong impacts on plant performance and evolutionary development. We investigated responses... -
Light adaptation patterns in non-native Vaucheria-turfs (Xanthophyceae) on a ...
In this study, measurements of the light curve were taken to assess photosynthetic competence in Vaucheria algae. The Chl a fluorescence of photosystem II (PSII) was measured... -
Origin information from Arctic kelp communites for simulated marine heatwaves
Further descriptions: Treatment is the assigned condition: C0, C1, C2, C3 with M0 - M2 as replicates ID is the tag number assigned to every individual kelp T0 is prior to... -
Experimental Kelp growth from Arctic kelp communites of simulated marine heat...
Further descriptions:* Treatment is the assigned condition: C0, C1, C2, C3 with M0 - M2 as replicates * ID is the tag number assigned to every individual kelp -
Experimental fauna analysis from Arctic kelp communites of simulated marine h...
Further descriptions: T0 is prior to experiment start TF is time final* Treatment is the assigned condition: C0, C1, C2, C3 with M0 - M2 as replicates * ID is the number given... -
Experimental Coralline growth measurements from Arctic kelp communites of sim...
Further descriptions: Treatment is the assigned condition: C0, C1, C2, C3 with M0 - M2 as replicates ID is the tag number assigned to every individual encrusted rock -
Abundance, cell volume, biomass, viability and leucine incorporation rates of...
This dataset contains the results of the characterisation of the prokaryotic community by flow cytometry and tritiated leucine incorporation from the MAFIA cruise (Migrants and... -
Live physiology and tissue biochemistry assessment in Pocillopora acuta after...
In July 2015 specimens of the coral Pocillopora acuta have been sampled at the reef flat Luminao, Guam, at 1-2 m water depth. Larvae released from the mother colonies were... -
Macrozoobenthos of the Pechora Bay - list of species with biomass and abundan...
The dataset comprises full list of species of macrozoobenthos collected from the Pechora Sea (SE Barents Sea). Grab samples were collected from 10 stations in the Pechora Bay... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and microbioerosion of coral skeletons
Biological mediation of carbonate dissolution represents a fundamental component of the destructive forces acting on coral reef ecosystems. Whereas ocean acidification can... -
A data compilation for soil conditions from the Tibetan Plateau
This dataset has no description
Macrofauna from stable isotope tracer incubation experiments under climate ch...
An experimental approach was developed to assess the individual and combined effects of two climate change stressors (temperature and POC quality) on benthic macrofaunal...