Jena Study on Social Change and Human Development (Adults) 2009
The study deals with individual capacities of coping with experienced requirements of social change. Broadly speaking, this refers to the challenges individuals are facing when... -
Graduation Study 2010 (Gymnasiasten-Studie, Fourth Wave)
Panel data on private and occupational life courses and personal attitudes (Gymnasiasten-Studie, Fourth wave). Topics: 1. Education: highest educational degree; time received... -
BIBB/BAuA-Employment Survey 2012
Berufsverläufe und Fachkenntnisse. Qualifikationsanforderungen. Weiterbildungsbedarf und ausbildungsadäquate Beschäftigung. Verwertbarkeit beruflicher Qualifikationen.... -
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4E...
The study is a panel survey of adolescents designed to study the complex causal mechanism of structural, social, and cultural integration of adolescents with migration... -
Learning Conditions and Student Orientations - Cumulation 1983 - 2016
Cumulation of student surveys 1983-2016 The Student Survey is a trend study on the development of the study situation and student orientations at universities and universities... -
Structures of Equal Treatment at Universities in Flux
A Questionnaire inventory Information on the university, the position of the Equal Opportunities Officer, on positions in the field of equal treatment between women and men, as... -
Female Scientists with Migration Background at German Universities
Gender equality efforts. Students with migration background. Female scientists with migration background. Support structures. Gleichstellungsarbeit. Studierende mit... -
Assistent Professorship in North Rhine-Westphalia - A Comparison of Assistent...
Professional career and current employment. Job-related situation. Career prospects. Human Resources Development and Tenure Track. Evaluation experience as Assistent professor.... -
Representative survey of selected groups of migrants in Germany 2006/2007
Erfassung von integrationsrelevanten Merkmalen wie Sprache, Schulbildung, berufliche Situation, Wohn-, Haushalts- und familiäre Situation, soziale Kontakte sowohl innerhalb der... -
Competences in the management of school classes (KODEK)
Class management: management of pupil behavior. Management of instructions. Teacher-pupil-relation. I. Teacher Survey: 1. Knowledge: Self-evaluation of knowledge of class... -
Professional socialisation of childcare workers
In this study, the conditions, progressions and results of vocational socialisation of young childcare workers are examined longitudinally. The design consists of three survey... -
BIBB Transition Study 2011
Educational pathways of young adults, career biography, school achievement, choice of school, choice of occupation, family background, young people´s application behaviour,... -
Eurobarometer 82.4 (2014)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Albanian Youth 2011
Attitudes of Albanian Youth towards: Free time and lifestyle. Belief and affiliation issues. Family and society. Concerns and aspirations. Education and employment. Democracy... -
Romanian youth (2014)
Youth’s socio-economic situation. Free time and lifestyle. School and profession. Concerns and aspirations. Values. Religiosity. Democracy and politics, civic and political... -
Youth Study Macedonia 2013
Attitudes of Macedonian Youth towards: leisure and lifestyle. Belief and affiliation issues. Family and friends. Concerns and aspirations. Education and profession. Democracy... -
Kosovo Youth Study (2012)
Attitudes of Kosovo-Albanian and Kosovo-Serbian youth towards: Free time and lifestyle. Belief and affiliation issues. Family and society. Concerns and aspirations. Education... -
CILS4EU Campus Use File (Germany)
The Campus Use File (Germany) is available to all undergraduate and graduate students, provided they are supervised or taught by a senior researcher with an institutional... -
Political Climate and Social Conditions in the GDR 1988/89
Future expectations, goals in life and contentment with life, scientific-technical progress as well as work, housing and leisure conditions. Topics: Moral orientations and goals... -
Youth and Family 1978
Investigation of influences of personality development of young people in one's family. (Supplemental form for parents) Topics: Young people: interest in various leisure...