Compiled Late Pliocene Stable Carbon Isotope Data from Sites in the Atlantic ...
Here we compiled stable carbon isotope data from 23 ODP sites in the Atlantic and Pacific, binned by marine isotope stage.Stable carbon isotope data were binned and averaged... -
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from sediment core MSM45/19_2
The presented data originates from the 1306cm long gravity core MSM45-19-2 (58°45.68 N, 61°56.25 W, 202m water depth) taken during R/V Maria S. Merian cruise MSM45 in August... -
Benthic foraminiferal numbers of ODP Hole 171-1053B
This dataset contains the quantitative data relative to the benthic foraminifera assemblages from a subset of 26 samples from ODP Site 1053 core 8, Section 5. Samples span 74.54... -
Calcareous nannofossil numbers of ODP Hole 171-1053B
This dataset contains the semiquantitative data relative to the calcareous nannofossil assemblages from a subset of 26 samples from ODP Site 1053 core 8, Section 5. Samples span... -
Benthic foraminifera isotope ratios of ODP Site 145-887
Here we present stable carbon and oxygen isotope data measurements of C. wuellerstorfi in discrete samples from ODP 887A. Samples were freeze dried, weighed, soaked in water for... -
GRAPE density of ODP Site 145-887
New composite GRAPE WBD profile from our new splice at ODP site 887. The composite depth scale for site 887 was created by visual correlation of the shipboard GRAPE WBD... -
New splice for the late Pliocene interval ODP Hole 145-883C
Here we present new splice for the late Pliocene interval site 883 hole C. The composite depth scale was created by visual correlation of the shipboard gamma ray attenuation and... -
New splice for the late Pliocene interval ODP Hole 145-883B
Here we present new splice for the late Pliocene interval site 883 hole B. The composite depth scale was created by visual correlation of the shipboard gamma ray attenuation and... -
Calcium carbonate weight percent and mass accumulation rates of ODP Site 145-883
Here we present new and shipboard calcium carbonate weight percent and mass accumulation rates in discrete samples from ODP 883B. 71 accelerated solvent extractor sample... -
UK'37 and SST estimates of ODP Site 145-883
Here we present UK'37 and SST estimates from ODP site 883. Approximately 1–4 g of sediment was freeze-dried and homogenized prior to extraction with a Dionex 200 Accelerated... -
GRAPE density of ODP Site 145-883
New composite GRAPE WBD profile from our new splice at ODP site 883. The composite depth scale was created by visual correlation of the shipboard gamma ray attenuation and... -
Benthic foraminifera stable carbon isotopes of ODP Site 145-883
Here we present same sample measurements of C. wuellerstorfi and U. proboscidea stable carbon isotopes from ODP sites 883 and 887. Samples were freeze dried, weighed, soaked in... -
Alkenone concentration of ODP Site 145-883
Here we present concentration and mass accumulation rate of C37 alkenones in discrete samples from ODP site 883. Approximately 1–4 g of sediment was freeze-dried and homogenized... -
Benthic foraminifera oxygen index of ODP Site 145-883
Here we present dissolved oxygen estimates from benthic foraminiferal assemblage data in discrete samples from ODP site 883. Benthic faunal assemblage data from Dowsett and... -
Species-specific benthic foraminifera stable carbon isotope ratio offset of O...
Here we present stable oxygen and carbon isotope measurements of C. wuellerstorfi and U. peregrina in discrete samples from ODP site 883. Samples were freeze dried, weighed,... -
Benthic foraminifera of ODP Site 145-883
Here we present counts of select benthic foraminiferal species in discrete samples from ODP site 883. Samples were freeze dried, weighed, soaked in water for 24 hours to... -
Age Model of ODP Site 145-887
Here we present a new astronomically tuned age model for ODP site 887. Age control points established by correlation of GRAPE WBD at site 887 to our site 883 composite and the... -
Age Model of ODP Site 145-883
Here we present a new astronomically tuned age model for the late Pliocene section of ODP site 883. The astronomically tuned age model was developed by correlation of benthic... -
Multiproxy paleoceanographic dataset from ODP sites 883 and 887 and compiled ...
Late Pliocene (~2.6-3.4 million years ago) multiproxy paleoceanographic datasets from Ocean Drilling Program subpolar North Pacific Leg 145 sites 883 (51.12°N, 167.46°E, 2384 m... -
Palynology of sediment core MSM09/2_455-13
Palynological data (dinoflagellate cysts, pollen and spores, organic foraminifera linings and reworked palynomorphs) spanning the last deglaciation and early Holocene (16.5 – 10...