REVEALS reconstruction of past vegetation cover with original RPP values for ...
This data set presents the reconstructed vegetation cover for 80 Indopacific sites based on harmonized pollen data from the data set LegacyPollen 2.0... -
REVEALS reconstruction of past vegetation cover with original RPP values for ...
This data set presents the reconstructed vegetation cover for 173 South American sites based on harmonized pollen data from the data set LegacyPollen 2.0... -
REVEALS reconstruction of past vegetation cover with original RPP values for ...
This data set presents the reconstructed vegetation cover for 155 African sites based on harmonized pollen data from the data set LegacyPollen 2.0... -
REVEALS reconstruction of past vegetation cover with original RPP values for ...
This data set presents the reconstructed vegetation cover for 1115 North American sites based on harmonized pollen data from the data set LegacyPollen 2.0... -
REVEALS reconstruction of past vegetation cover with original RPP values for ...
This data set presents the reconstructed vegetation cover for 3491 sites based on harmonized pollen data from the data set LegacyPollen 2.0... -
REVEALS reconstruction of past vegetation cover with original RPP values for ...
This data set presents the reconstructed vegetation cover for 533 Asian sites based on harmonized pollen data from the data set LegacyPollen 2.0... -
Global marine radiocarbon data compilation for the last deglaciation
Compiled marine radiocarbon data from the global ocean, derived from planktonic/benthic foraminifera and corals, spanning the last deglaciation, with associated calendar ages... -
Species level size-normalised weight data for at depth analysis
This dataset contains a compilation of published and new SNW data with corresponding environmental data extracted from CMIP6 that are used in the at depth species level Bayesian... -
Species level size-normalised weight data
This dataset contains a compilation of published and new SNW data with corresponding sea surface (≤ 20 m) environmental data extracted from CMIP6 that are used in the species... -
Group level size-normalised weight data
This dataset contains a compilation of published and new SNW data with corresponding sea surface (≤ 20 m) environmental data extracted from CMIP6 that are used in the group... -
Contextual and environmental data characterizing 138 samples from Canadian gr...
Groundwater ecosystems are globally widespread yet still poorly understood. We therefore investigated contextual and environmental data characterizing 138 groundwater samples... -
Laboratory/hatchery experiments of Ostrea edulis larvae
This dataset has no description
Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers, crenarchaeol and geochemical ...
The concentration and fractional abundance of branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGDGTs), including 5-methyl and 6-methyl isomers, were investigated in the soils,... -
Age determination from microcharcoal of surface ocean sediments offshore Africa
Further fundings: CAMPFIRE Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Fire_cci Project, Award: 4000126706/19/I-NB -
Water stable isotopic composition of lakes, streams, and surfaces waters in P...
Here, we present a comprehensive isotopic survey of 535 water samples taken in 2018–2019 of the lakes, streams, and other surface waters of the periglacial Pituffik Peninsula in... -
Branched glycerol monoalkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGMGTs) and geochemical pr...
Branched Glycerol Monoalkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGMGTs) in soils, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and riverbed sediments of the Godavari River basin (India), the largest... -
10Be erosion rates and riverine alkalinity concentration globally
The erosional influence on terrestrial alkalinity generation globally has been discussed over the last decades. In regional studies, long-term catchment-average denudation... -
Isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (isoGDGT) lipids in soils, SP...
The concentration and fractional abundance of isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (isoGDGTs) were investigated in the soils, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and... -
Carbon and nitrogen (isotopic) signatures in C3 and C4 plants, soils, SPM and...
%OC, %TN, δ13C and δ15N analysed in C3 and C4 plants, soils, SPM and riverbed sediments in the Godavari River basin (India), located in the Core Monsoon Zone. Above-ground plant... -
Replication data for: Devonian–Carboniferous collapse and segmentation of the...
High-resolution versions of the figures and supplements of the Koehl et al. (2020) manuscript entitled Devonian–Carboniferous collapse and segmentation of the Billefjorden...