(Table T1) Neogene stratigraphy of diatoms, ebridians and endoskeletal dinofl...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Abundance estimate as follows: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, X = present, B = barren, r = rare occurrences of a taxon interpreted... -
(Table 12) Eocene-Oligocene diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 120-749B
R = rare ( one specimen of a particular species encountered in 5-20 fields of view using a 40X objective and 10X ocular), F = frequent (one specimen in every 5 fields), C =... -
(Table 10) Eocene-Oligocene diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 120-748B
R = rare (one specimen of a particular species encountered in 5-20 fields of view using a 40X objective and 10X ocular), F = frequent (one specimen in every 5 fields), C =... -
(Table 9) Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 120-748B
R = rare ( one specimen of a particular species encountered in 5-20 fields of view using a 40X objective and 10X ocular), F = frequent (one specimen in every 5 fields), C =... -
(Table 7) Oligocene-Miocene diatom biostratigraphy of ODP Hole 120-747A
R = rare ( one specimen of a particular species encountered in 5-20 fields of view using a 40X objective and 10X ocular), F = frequent (one specimen in every 5 fields), C =... -
(Table 2) Taxonomic composition of diatoms from bottom deposits of the Kronot...
Eocene diatom and silicoflagellate complexes from deposits of the Kronotsky Bay are presented. Pro tempore they are the most ancient finds of fossil phytoplankton with silica... -
Range table from diatoms in ODP Hole 189-1170A
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