X-ray adsorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) analysis of sulfur speciation...
Sulfur K-edge XANES measurements of the relative proportion of reduced sulfur (i.e., S oxidation state less than or equal to zero) in select analysis spots within samples of... -
Analysis of the Carbon, Calcium and Silicon concentration of a river bedload ...
Electron microprobe microanalysis (EPMA) map of C, Ca, and Si concentrations in a sieved (212 to 500 µm) and pelletized sample of river bedload sediment (site LHWS-6). Details... -
Analysis of the Carbon, Calcium and Silicon concentration of a river bedload ...
Electron microprobe microanalysis (EPMA) map of C, Ca, and Si concentrations in a sieved (90 to 212 µm) and pelletized sample of river bedload sediment (site LHWS-6). Details on... -
Analysis of the Carbon, Calcium and Silicon concentration of a river bedload ...
Electron microprobe microanalysis (EPMA) map of C, Ca, and Si concentrations in a sieved (45 to 90 µm) and pelletized sample of river bedload sediment (site LHWS-6). Details on... -
Analysis of the Carbon, Calcium and Silicon concentration of a river bedload ...
Electron microprobe microanalysis (EPMA) map of C, Ca, and Si concentrations in a sieved (7 to 45 µm) and pelletized sample of river bedload sediment (site LHWS-6). Details on... -
Analysis of the Carbon, Calcium and Silicon concentration of a river bedload ...
Electron microprobe microanalysis (EPMA) map of C, Ca, and Si concentrations in a sieved (212 to 500 µm) and pelletized sample of river bedload sediment (site LHWS-1). Details... -
Analysis of the Carbon, Calcium and Silicon concentration of a river bedload ...
Electron microprobe microanalysis (EPMA) map of C, Ca, and Si concentrations in a sieved (less than 7 µm) and pelletized sample of river bedload sediment (site LHWS-1). Details... -
XRF mesaurenets from sediment core MAUDIT/2017, Lake Maudit, northern Madagascar
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Quantitative analysis of the Eocene record from IODP Hole 318-U1356A
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Only samples with 100 and more individuals are presented. -
First principal component (PC-1) of the variability in diatom assemblage of s...
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Morphometrics of cultured Globigerinoides ruber
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Non-metric multidimensional scaling analyses species scores of ostracode taxa...
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Non-metric multidimensional scaling analyses of ostracode taxa from the Maast...
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(Table 5) Correspondence analysis for Maastrichtian foraminifera of ODP Hole ...
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(Table 5) Correspondence analysis for Maastrichtian foraminifera of ODP Hole ...
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Environmental characteristics of islands of the Capricorn and Bunker Group, Q...
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(Appendix 3c) Loadings of multivariate analysis of variance - canonical varia...
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(Appendix 3b) Loadings of principal component analysis for morphometric measu...
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(Table T4) Bedding axis, number of faults and core observations of samples fr...
More than 2 km of Formation MicroScanner (FMS) electrical images were acquired during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 180 at Sites 1109, 1115, and 1118 along a north-south-trending... -
Mean sizes of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globorotalia tumida and thermocl...
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