PERMTHAW dataset 1, inklusive markbiokemiska, växthusgasflödes- och mikrobiol...
Permafrost soils contain approximately 1672 petagram carbon (C), twice the amount of the current atmosphere, and constitute 50% of the world’s belowground C pool. Along with the... -
Modellsimuleringar av luftkoncentration och deposition av Cs137 från Tjernoby...
Model simulations of air concentration and deposition of Cs137 from the Chernobyl accident. Model results are available for the European domain at six hour time resolution and a... -
Avrinning och avrinningskemi från avrinningsområdena Risfallet och Gusseltjär...
Daily discharge (l/s) and runoff (mm/day) values, and monthly values on runoff chemistry from two small catchment areas; Risfallet (0.45 km2) and Gusseltjärn (0.87 km2) located... -
Modellerade kväve och svavelnedfall över Europa 1980-2011
The Eulerian Transport and Chemistry model MATCH (Robertson et al. 1999) has been used to estimate the deposition over Europe from 1980 to 2011. In data to the model is... -
Arctic Ocean 2016 - Kontinuerliga mätningar av kvicksilverarter i luften
This dataset contains data collected during the Canadian-Swedish expedition Arctic Ocean 2016. The research cruise took place August through September 2016, using the icebreaker... -
Deposition scenarios from Baltic Sea ship traffic with scrubbers
A change in regulation for maximum sulfur content in maritime fuel, in 2015 from 1 to 0.1 %, decreases the atmospheric sulfur concentration and deposition significantly.... -
20th century deposition from Baltic Sea ship traffic
Historical atmospheric depositions of sulphate, nitrate, and ammonium from land and shipping in the BalticSea. When using this dataset, please also cite: Omstedt, A., Edman,... -
Simulated global ultrafine particle (UFP) concentrations
Numerical simulation of global ultrafine particle (UFP; particulate matter with diameter < 0.1 um) concentrations with the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry model (EMAC) for...