Characteristics of the alpine sites and related climate and erosion input dat...
Clay mineral composition of Alpine soils together with site characteristics (such as coordinates, elevation, slope, geomorphic situation, vegetation, soils, hydrologic... -
Mortality and climatic/environmental correlates of Widdringtonia cedargensis ...
Background: Conifer populations appear disproportionately threatened by global change. Most examples are, however, drawn from the northern hemisphere and long-term rates of... -
Stream water chemistry and landscape characteristics in Zackenberg Valley, NE...
The data contains water chemistry and spectral catchment NDVI for 14 streams in Zackenberg Valley in Northeast Greenland, sampled summer 2021 from 10th July to 15th September.... -
Compilation of growth characteristics from white birch (Betula platyphylla Su...
White birch represents one of the largest standing volumes among the hardwood species in the temperate or subarctic regions of Asia. Its tree growth has experienced noticeable... -
Above-ground woody biomass and crown data for environmental plantings in Vict...
This dataset stores measurements from two field campaigns in 20 environmental plantings aged 4–35 years old in Australia where stem diameters, crown radii, and heights of... -
Measures of microbial, soil and plant variables of three grass-based agro-eco...
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GTN-P global mean annual ground temperature data for permafrost near the dept...
This data set is a compilation of mean annual ground temperature data measured in boreholes in the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P). Supplement to: Biskaborn,... -
Harmonized in-situ observations of surface energy fluxes and environmental dr...
Despite the importance of surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. In situ observational data of SEB... -
RTG 2300 - Study design, location, topography and climatic conditions of rese...
This dataset provides information about the study design, topography, geographic location and climatic conditions of the research plots of the interdisciplinary research... -
Topsoil temperature data below different vegetation types at Trail Valley Cre...
The datasets were acquired at the Arctic tundra site of Trail Valley Creek (TVC), Northwest Territories, Canada, which is underlain by continuous permafrost. With the objective... -
Lichen cover of Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur at the Leipzig Canopy Cr...
Using the Leipzig Canopy Crane Facility situated in the temperate floodplain forest of Leipzig, epiphytic lichens on Fraxinus excelsior and Quercus robur were sampled between... -
Foliage projective cover of 57 vegetation sites of central Chukotka from 2016
Field investigations were performed in four areas forming a vegetation gradient from a treeless mountainous tundra (16-KP-04; Lake Rauchuagytgyn area) via tundra-taiga... -
Metadata for the glacier forefields and peat bog sites located in the Swiss a...
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An inventory of active rock glaciers in the northern Tien Shan of China compi...
Rock glaciers are widespread in the Tien Shan. However, rock glaciers in the Chinese part of the Tien Shan have not been systematically investigated for more than two decades.... -
Lupinus nipomensis population data at Black Lake Ecological Area in 2015-2016
Along the coast of California, dune ecosystems protect coastal cities from damaging storms and provide habitat for native wildlife. Despite the economic and ecological... -
Factors controlling the spatial distribution of landslides in the Zagros regi...
We investigated 335 landslides (including rockslides, rock avalanches, soil slides, and slides) in the Zagros mountain belt of southwest Iran using a digital elevation model... -
Element contents and stable isotope analysis in plants from a nitrogen and po...
A tracer experiment was conducted in three study sites along a continental transect from arid to humid-temperate conditions in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. The objective was... -
Potassium, rubidium, and cesium contents in soil along a continental transect...
A tracer experiment was conducted in three study sites along a continental transect from arid to humid-temperate conditions in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. The objective was... -
Plot data of three primeval European beech forests in eastern Slovakia
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Abiotic variables from a SponGES cruise with RV G.O. Sars and AUV Hugin 1000 ...
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