Informe de l’anàlisi antracològica del jaciment d’època romana de la Plaça d...
Anthracological data from the excavation at Plaça de la Vila de Madrid (Barcelona). The attached data comes from the charcoal analyses of remains from several units from the... -
Ink-sights into Hellenistic and Roman Egypt: a journey from Carbon to Iron-ga...
Presentation at the 4th International Congress of Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, Nicosia (Cyprus), 05/2024. Recent research on the... -
Priests, Officials, and Scribes: "Ink-Contacts" in the Multilingual and Multi...
Presentation at the international colloquium INK-QUIRY Inks: between text and materiality, 11.12.2023, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid (Spain). The research for this...