Statistic analysis (Principal component) of sediment core TAN1302-44 from Adé...
Principle component analysis (Q-mode and R-mode) was calculated within 290-5 cm interval of TAN1302-44. The analysis was completed using SPSS software package by Lea Pesjak. -
Relative abundance of diatom species, biogenic silica and Si/Al over last ~14...
This dataset contains relative abundance (%) of diatom species, and includes the Eucampia antarctica terminal/intercalary valve ratio (Eucampia index), biogenic silica and Si/Al... -
Silicon/Aluminium ratio of sediment core TAN1302-44 from Adélie Land, East An...
Measured using ITRAX scanner, by Patricia Gadd at ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) in Sydney.The data spikes were removed, and a 3-mean avarage was... -
Shannon-Index of sediment core TAN1302-44 from Adélie Land, East Antarctica
Calculated within 310-5 cm interval of TAN1302-44, using all species identified (listed in relative diatom abundance dataset), by Lea Pesjak. -
Relative diatoms abundance of sediment core TAN1302-44 from Adélie Land, East...
Species were identified, counted and their relative abundance was calculated (number of species/ total number of valves per slide) within 350-5 cm-depth by Lea Pesjak. -
Age deteremination of core TAN1302-44 from Adélie Land, East Antarctica
Measured at ANSTO (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, in Sydney. The raw data was calibrated using CALIB, version 7.1, Marine13 calibration curve, and... -
Biogenic silica of sediment core TAN1302-44 from Adélie Land, East Antarctica
Based on Mortlock and Froelich (1989) and DeMaster (1981); measured by Lea Pesjak, Dr Nils Jansen and Julie Donahue.