Sablefish liver and spleen sequences
This project was designed to get sequences from liver and spleen that would potentially be involved in the immune response to Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns -
Comparative analysis of genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profile...
We mapped DNA methylation in 580 animal species (535 vertebrates, 45 invertebrates), resulting in 2443 genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profiles of primary tissue... -
Anoplopoma fimbria breed:Golden Eagle Sablefish Genome sequencing and assembly
We sequenced and assembled the genome of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) to add a chromosome-level sablefish genome assembly to the NCBI. A previous sablefish assembly is... -
Sablefish gonadal transcriptome sequencing
Sequencing project conducted on RNA isolated from gonads (ovaries and testes) of juvenile sablefish in order to obtain cDNA sequences for expressed genes associated with gonadal... -
Anoplopoma fimbria Raw sequence reads
RAD-seq SNP discovery in the sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) from the northeast Pacific Ocean -
Improving Metabarcoding Taxonomic Assignment: A Case Study of Fishes in a Lar...
Reference Barcodes for California Current Large Marine Ecosystem Fishes generated using the MiFish 12S Universal and Elasmobranch primer sets. Both vouchered and unvouchered... -
Anoplopoma fimbria Transcriptome or Gene expression
Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly - Anoplopoma fimbria -
Effects of increased CO2 on fish gill and plasma proteome
Ocean acidification and warming are both primarily caused by increased levels of atmospheric CO2, and marine organisms are exposed to these two stressors simultaneously.... -
Identification and Abundance of Barkley Canyon Megafauna: Daily Observations ...
This dataset provides comprehensive records of species identified and their daily abundance in three deep-sites (Upper Slope -400m, Wall -900m, and Axis -1000m) of the Barkley...