Database of Anomalies in the Caribbean Sea (ocean wave parameters): DACS-WAVE
This data set is the result of calculating the anomalies of the ocean wave parameters from the WAVERYS product (GLOBAL_MULTIYEAR_WAV_001_032), which makes it easier for... -
Database of Anomalies in the Caribbean Sea (geochemical parameters): DACS-CHEM
Monthly anomalies of geochemical parameters in the Caribbean Sea calculated from the MULTIOBS_GLO_BIO_BGC_3D_REP_015_010 and MULTIOBS_GLO_BIO_CARBON_SURFACE_REP_015_008... -
High-resolution Tropical Atlantic Surface Anomalies (HTASA): Daily SST and SSS.
This dataset contains data on the daily anomalies of SST and SSS obtained from the HYCOM model in the period from October 2, 1992 to December 31, 2012. It is provided in a file... -
High-resolution Tropical Atlantic Surface Anomalies (HTASA): Daily surface cu...
This dataset contains data on the daily anomalies of surface currents obtained from the HYCOM model in the period from September 2, 1992 to December 31, 2012. It is provided in... -
Tropical Atlantic Anomaly Database (TAAD)
This dataset is the result of the calculation of the anomalies of the oceanic surface forcings and of the physical, chemical and biological variables on the oceanic surface and...