Supporting data for 'Collective Hall current in chiral active fluids: Couplin...
Supporting Brownian dynamics simulation data. It includes the simulated trajectories that were processed to produce the figures in the main text of the accompanying paper. The... -
Supporting data for 'Collective Hall current in chiral active fluids: Couplin...
Supporting Brownian dynamics simulation data. It includes the simulated trajectories that were processed to produce the figures in the main text of the accompanying paper. The... -
Self-organization of mortal filaments and its role in bacterial division ring...
This repository contains all the necessary files to replicate the simulations and analyse the data presented in the following publication: "Self-organization of mortal filaments... -
Quantifying gliding forces of filamentous cyanobacteria by self-buckling
Data set of the publication "Quantifying gliding forces of filamentous cyanobacteria by self-buckling" -
Data and code: Motility-induced coexistence of a hot liquid and a cold gas
If two phases exist at the same time, such as a gas and a liquid, they have the same temperature. This fundamental law of equilibrium physics is known to apply even to many...