Range table from radiolarians in ODP Hole 159-962B
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(Table 1) Occurrence and abundance of Upper Cretaceous radiolarians in DSDP H...
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(Table 1) Occurrence and abundance of late Early Cretaceous radiolarians at D...
G = good; M = moderate; P = poor; PM = poor to moderate; - = looked for but not found; + = one specimen; A = abundant; C = common; F = few; R = rare; ? = uncertain... -
(Table 2) Occurrence of Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous radiolarians from OD...
P = present, - = absent. -
(Table 1) Occurrence of Early Cretaceous radiolarians from ODP Hole 129-800A
P = present, - = absent. -
(Table 2) Occurrence and abundance of radiolarians in DSDP Hole 47-398D
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(Table 4) Occurrence and abundance of radiolarian taxa in ODP Hole 123-766A
species abundance: D = dominant (>20% of the total radiolarians determinable in a residue, numeric value = 6), A = abundant (10-20%, numeric value 5), C = common (5-10%,... -
(Table 2) Occurrence and abundance of radiolarian taxa in ODP Hole 123-765C
species abundance: D = dominant (>20% of the total radiolarians determinable in a residue, numeric value = 6), A = abundant (10-20%, numeric value 5), C = common (5-10%,... -
Occurrence of tethyan radiolarian species in early Cretaceous sediments of OD...
During ODP Leg 123, abundant and well-preserved Neocomian radiolarians were recovered at Site 765 (Argo Abyssal Plain) and Site 766 (lower Exmouth Plateau). Assemblages are...