Low-temperature structural phase transitions in CuSeO4������5D2O and CuBeF4��...
The isostructural family of compounds that includes the familiar copper sulfate pentahydrate and the two less familiar title materials, has for decades been a model for studying... -
Structural study of the effect of barium doping in Sr3Ru2O7
The capability of systematically tuning electronic properties of strongly correlated electron systems is key to unraveling the mechanisms underlying the observed physics.... -
Low temperature structural changes of complex ferroelectric La2Ti2O7
La2Ti2O7 is part of an intriguing family of layered perovskite-related materials which display an unusual type of ferroelectricity. In contrast to standard ABO3 perovskites (in... -
Interaction of an antimicrobial peptide from Lactobacillus gasseri supernatan...
A short peptide, composed of 12 amino acids (EFVFVAHAVPVM), presenting a strongly hydrophobic character, was recently isolated from Lactobacillus gasseri supernatant (AMP12).... -
Understanding pressure-driven structural and magnetic properties in LaFeO3
This proposal is concerned with determining variations in the high pressure crystallographic and magnetic structure of LaFeO3. LaFeO3 is a characteristic example of... -
The structure of CsO2
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Quantum renormalisation of spin waves in a square lattice antiferromagnet
The two dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is one of the most studied model in quantum magnetism . This is in part due to its intrinsic interest but also... -
Startup and Calibration
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Non-lamellar lipid-based liquid crystalline structures at interfaces - effect...
To understand better the properties of non-lamellar liquid crystalline nanoparticles, LCNP, as delivery vehicles or surface modifying systems, it is crucial to understand how... -
Vacancy Distribution in Praseodymium Doped Ceria
Doped cerias are currently being used as oxide ion conducting electrolyte materials in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Depending on the nature and concentration of the dopant... -
Excitations of the Zeeman ladder in a transverse field in the Ising antiferro...
The excitations of an Ising antiferromagnetic chain have been studied in the past and are known to form either continuous spectrum or Zeeman ladders. Such a system can be... -
Quantum dynamics in a J_eff=1/2 isotropic triangular-lattice antiferromagnet ...
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the spin dynamics of strongly-frustrated quantum magnets. A canonical model is the spin-1/2 triangular antiferromagnet... -
SANS Studies of Novel Internally Stabilised Liposomes
Internally supported liposomes (ISLs) are composed of polymeric spheres enclosed by liposomes. Although very little research has been done on ISLs, understanding their... -
Probing the thickness of the polymer adsorbed layer in HEUR stabilized oil in...
Oils are commonly used in personal care industry as emollients. Owing to their undesirable feel they are formulated in oil in water emulsions form. Emulsions contains... -
Continuation of the low-frequency fluctuations muSR study in Mn-doped La1-yYy...
The aim of the experiment is to study, in low magnetic fields, the very slow spin fluctuation (MHz range) present in the normal phase of La0.8Y0.2LaFe1-xMnxAsO0.89F0.11... -
The PVT equation of state of D2O ice III / IX
The high-pressure form of solid water, ice III, is the equilibrium phase in contact with liquid water at pressures from about 2.0 - 3.5 kbar. Consequently, its properties are... -
PVT equation of state of D2O ice V
The high-pressure forms of solid water, ice V, is the equilibrium phase in contact with liquid water at pressures between 3.5 - 5.5 kbar. Consequently, the properties are... -
Pressure induced softening in ScF3
Recently we have suggested that negative thermal expansion materials will also show an effect called pressure-induced softening, where shown that the elastic stiffness is... -
Understanding Deep Earth Mineralogy: A High P/T study of CaSiO3 Perovskite
CaSiO3 perovskite is the third most abundant mineral in the Earth's lower mantle; it also occurs as a major phase at lower pressures and temperatures in subduction zones, where,... -
Understanding Structural Changes in Amorphous Solid Water (ASW) on Heating
This experiment will establish the structural changes that occur in Amorphous Solid Water (ASW) prior to the process of pore collapse or crystallisation. We will study the...