Magnetic contrast reflectometry to resolve transmembrane potential effects on...
The division of bacteria is controlled by the binding of proteins to the inner of the two lipid bilayer membranes that separates the inside of the cell from the outside world.... -
Organometallic Radicals
Avoided level crossing muon spin resonance (ALC-muSR) is an exceptional tool for determining the structure and probing the dynamics of radicals but there have been only a few... -
Magnetic contrast reflectometry to resolve transmembrane potential effects on...
The division of bacteria is controlled by the binding of proteins to the inner of the two lipid bilayer membranes that separates the inside of the cell from the outside world.... -
Probing the spin dynamics in the pseudo-quaternary Y1-xErxNi2B2C compounds
Our uSR measurements on superconducting Y1-xErxNi2B2C shows a slowing of the Er spin dynamics upon cooling to 2.5 K, but the depolarisation rate does not critically diverge and...