Anomalous Layer at a Nematic-Air Interface using Thin Films
The aim is to establish the nature of the surface layer of 8CB at the nematic-air interface by measuring neutron reflection from the n=8, 10 and 12 homologues of the nCB series... -
Quantum dynamics in a J_eff=1/2 isotropic triangular-lattice antiferromagnet
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the spin dynamics of strongly-frustrated quantum antiferromagnets. A canonical model system is the spin-1/2 triangular... -
3D imaging of the internal structure using negative muons as a non-destructiv...
Elemental analysis is a process in which a sample is analysed for its composition. Often this is accomplished by destructive and damaging techniques. Clearly, such techniques... -
Quasielastic scattering in stuffed spin ices: defects or low lying singlets?
The subjects of this proposal, Ho2+xTi2-xO7-x/2, are brand new materials1 related to Ho2Ti2O7, a spin ice2,3. They have the remarkable property of remaining disordered at very... -
Quantum dynamics in a J_eff=1/2 isotropic triangular-lattice antiferromagnet
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the spin dynamics of strongly-frustrated quantum antiferromagnets. A canonical model system is the spin-1/2 triangular...