Quasielastic intensity distribution and dispersion of low-energy magnetic exc...
In a number of recent experiments on the pure CeB6 compound, we have revealed strong quasielastic inten-sity in the normal (paramagnetic) state with a rich momentum-space... -
Temperature dependence of spin dynamics near quantum criticality in an Ising ...
This proposal is part of our research programme to explore the interplay of thermal and quantum fluctuations near zero-temperature quantum phase transitions. Here we plan to use... -
Unravelling spin fluctuation components in a stripe-ordered cuprate
In previous experiments at ILL we observed a gap in the magnetic excitation spectrum of the stripe-ordered superconductor (La,Nd)2-xSrxCuO4, x=0.12. We observed a spin gap of... -
Quantum critical dynamics in the purely dipolar antiferromagnet LiErF4
LiErF4 is an example of an XY dipolar coupled antiferromagnet with planar anisotropy. As such it exhibits a quantum phase transition (QPT) in a small field of 4kOe, which is of... -
Low energy spin dynamics of the stoichiometric heavy fermion CeRuSn3
Heavy fermion systems situated close to a quantum critical point present very rich physics due to the dominant Kondo interactions. Our investigations on the Kondo lattice heavy... -
Quasielastic intensity distribution and dispersion of low-energy magnetic exc...
In a number of recent experiments on the pure CeB6 compound, we have revealed strong quasielastic inten-sity in the normal (paramagnetic) state with a rich momentum-space... -
Non-magnetic impurities in a strong-leg spin ladder
Th S = ½ AF spin ladder is one of the most important models in quantum magnetism. While its properties throughout the (H,T)-phase diagram may be considered to be well understood...