Spin Waves at High Temperature in the Parent Compound of the Superconductor F...
The recently discovered iron based superconductors have transition temperatures second only to the cuprates. The majority of these compounds display superconductivity after... -
Towards an improved understanding of the active phase of iron based Fischer-T...
The applicants have recently completed a series of INS studies on a model iron Fischer-Tropsch catalyst. That work established that different sample pre-treatments could... -
The mechanism of CO oxidation over PdO.H2O
The aim of the present proposal is to investigate the mechanism of CO oxidation over hydrous palladium oxide, both directly and indirectly. For the direct route, the sample will... -
INS studies of the oxidation of benzyl alcohol using supported AuPd nanoparti...
This proposal is a continuation of RB1000003 and RB1110113. The aim of the present experiment is to gain further insight into the mechanism of benzyl alcohol oxidation using... -
The first in operando INS study of a catalytic reaction: CO oxidation over PdO
Inelastic neutron scattering has been used to study adsorbed species on catalysts for more than 30 years. All of this work has one feature in common: they are all ¿snapshots¿ of...