No-EGR Database
This database provides detailed validation and cyclic data from simultaneous measurements of the flow, flame, spark plasma, spark circuit, and thermodynamic boundary conditions... -
Soot formation as a function of flow, flame and mixing field above evaporatin...
Numerical data of Figure 2 in Schmidt et al. 2024. Fluorescence signal per unit mole fraction as a function of temperature and excitation wavelength for acetone and 3-pentanone... -
Boundary Conditions - Direct Injecion for Cat-Heating Operating Points
For the investigations, the engine was operated at a speed of 1500 rpm and an intake pressure of 0.95 bar. Starting from the base operating point with early injection and... -
Flow Field - Direct Injecion for Cat-Heating Operating Points
PIV was used to measure the flow fields and their velocities. A double-pulsed high-speed Nd:YVO4 laser (Edgewave IS4II-DE, 532 nm) was formed into a laser cut with several... -
Flame PDF - Direct Injecion for Cat-Heating Operating Points
The PIV raw images were used for flame detection and therefore have the same optical structure. Only the relevant parts of the cycles from the ignition point onwards were... -
Spray_Average - Direct Injecion for Cat-Heating Operating Points
The spray was visualized using high-speed images of the Mie scattering of the fuel droplets. The liquid fuel was illuminated with a volumetrically expanded laser beam through... -
Listing 2
Working example for listing 2 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in... -
Darmstadt engine flow bench CAD files
The computer-aided design (CAD) model of the Darmstadt engine air flow bench with the spray-guided cylinder head is included in this dataset. -
Pump System Test Instances and Electronical Pump Catalogues
This dataset contains relevant information for planning pump systems. This includes (i) the description of different test cases and their boundary conditions. It comprises (a)... -
Velocity Fields for Standard Operating Points - Motored Engine
Velocity fields aquired by Particle Image Velocimetry in different planes of the optically accessible Darmstadt Engine for the operating conditions A, B, C and D. -
Darmstadt engine flow bench boundary conditions
This set contains the boundary condition data of the Darmstadt engine air flow bench measurements. Among other things, pressure, temperature, and mass flow rate data are included. -
Umfragedaten zu "NFDI4Ing - Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities"
Die Online-Umfrage "NFDI4Ing - Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities" wurde vom Konsortium NFDI4Ing (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für die Ingenieurwissenschaften,... -
Listing 3
Working example for listing 3 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in... -
Supplementary Material: Algorithmisch gestützte Planung dezentraler Fluidsysteme
The repository contains additional materials for the PhD thesis: "Müller, Tim M. (2022): Algorithmisch gestützte Planung dezentraler Fluidsysteme". For each relevant figure in... -
Supplementary Material: Static force characteristic of annular gaps - Experim...
Repository containing the data included in "Kuhr, M.M.G.; Lang, S.R.; Pelz, P.F.; Static force characteristic of annular gaps - Experimental and simulation results; Journal of... -
Listing 6
Working example for listing 6 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in... -
Listing 7 & 8
Working example for listings 7 & 8 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data... -
Video - Simulation of a direct injection in an internal combustion engine
CFD simulation of gasoline direct injection in the Darmstadt optically accessible engine. Injector is the 8-hole ECN Spray G with injection timing equal to 270 °bTDC (i.e. early... -
FAIR data box demonstrator
Example dataset(s) demonstrating the implementation of FAIR data containers ("FAIR data box"): Primary data is contained in the form of numeric multidimensional arrays (hdf5);... -
Listing 4
Working example for listing 4 in the article titled "Creating application-specific metadata profiles while improving interoperability and consistency of research data in...