Supralinear dendritic integration in murine dendrite-targeting interneurons: ...
Non-linear summation of synaptic inputs to the dendrites of pyramidal neurons has been proposed to increase the computation capacity of neurons through coincidence detection,... -
MAGICC vertex-level gene expression data
Vertex-level expression data from the Multiscale Atlas of Gene Expression for Integrative Cortical Cartography Files include: Template cortical surface meshes for flat, inflated... -
Basket to Purkinje Cell Inhibitory Ephaptic Coupling Is Abolished in Episodic...
Paired recording from connected basket and Purkinje cells spontaneously firing from control and Kcna1V408A/+ cerebellar cortex. Dataset contains the action potential timings... -
Set of MRI data to test the MELD prediction pipeline
Anonymised and defaced MRI scans (T1w and FLAIR images) from one patient with FCD from the Great Ormond Street Hospital. This data enables to test the MELD prediction pipeline,... -
Behaviourally modulated hippocampal theta oscillations in the ferret persist ...
Main and extended data figures for the paper "Behaviourally modulated hippocampal theta oscillations in the ferret persist during both locomotion and immobility" by Dunn et al.... -
Data and code for Figures for the article “Real-time 3D movement correction f...
Code and data to generate figures found in Griffiths et al, 2020 "Real-time 3D movement correction for two-photon imaging in behaving animals". Simply download all the files... -
Non-Invasive MRI of BCSFB Function: Application to the Ageing Brain
This is the raw imaging data for the experiments'Non-Invasive MRI of BCSFB Function: Application to the Ageing Brain (n=24)' from the work 'Non-invasive MRI of... -
Multi-TI Traditional and BCSFB-ASL in the Lateral Ventricles (n=12)
This is the raw imaging data for the experiments 'Multi-TI Traditional and BCSFB-ASL in the Lateral Ventricles (n=12)' from the work 'Non-invasive MRI of Blood-Cerebrospinal... -
Extracellular spinal recordings: spontaneous activity and fictive locomotion
In vitro extracellular recording dataset of spontaneous activity in normal artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) and drug-induced fictive locomotion associated with Pocratsky et... -
Pupil-linked phasic arousal evoked by violation but not emergence of regulari...
This repository contains all raw and processed pupillometry and behavioural data and the analysis codes to replicate the figures in Zhao et al. (2019) Nature Communication. See... -
Two-photon imaging of neurons in mouse superior colliculus
These data contain activity (in form of calcium traces) of single neurons in superior colliculus (SC) of mouse. Mice were able to run on a floating ball. Running speed and pupil... -
Non-invasive MRI of Blood-Cerebospinal Fluid Barrier Function; Combined Diffu...
This is the combined diffusion-weighed / arterial spin labelling data set from the work 'Non-invasive MRI of Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier Function' (Evans et al., 2020,... -
HDCSF Clinical study protocol 2015-10-19
HD-CSF (Studying cerebrospinal fluid to understand key CNS pathobiological targets in Huntington's disease) is a longitudinal observational study. At baseline participants will... -
Questionnaires for evaluation of speech and language therapy apps, for adults...
This resource comprises two questionnaires, in powerpoint and pdf format, used for evaluation of a novel speech and language therapy app. The app was designed to deliver therapy... -
Demo Scilab code for AMPAR kinetic model
"Homomeric Q/R edited AMPA receptors conduct when desensitized" Coombs, Soto, McGee, Gold, Farrant, Cull-Candy Nature Communications The code associated with the above... -
Two-photon imaging of mouse retinal boutons in superior colliculus (Matlab fi...
These data contain activity (in form of calcium traces) of single retinal axon terminals (boutons) imaged in the superior colliculus of mouse. Mice were able to run on a... -
Action prediction error, a value-free dopaminergic teaching signal driving st...
The stimulus-action associations of auditory-discrimination tasks are thought to be learned in the tail of the striatum (TS), where dopamine would modulate synaptic weights to... -
Two-photon imaging of neurons in mouse superior colliculus (Matlab files)
These data contain activity (in form of calcium traces) of single neurons in superior colliculus (SC) of mouse. Mice were able to run on a floating ball. Running speed and pupil... -
Behaviourally modulated hippocampal theta oscillations in the ferret persist ...
Processed electrophysiological and behavioural data to accompany the paper "Behaviourally modulated hippocampal theta oscillations in the ferret persist during both locomotion... -
Scanning electron micrographs: lumbar spinal cords
Large area ultrastructural micographs via backscatter scanning electron microscopy associated with Pocratsky et al 2023, Science Translational Medicine Data generated from...