Local genetic adaptation to habitat in wild chimpanzees
This directory contains data used in Ostridge et al. (2025) likelihoods, Science. genotype_likelihoods/data - This directory contains ANGSD output files for all the SNPs and... -
<b>Revisiting the Central Dogma: the distinct roles of genome, methylation, t...
Background We investigated the flow of information from genome sequence to protein expression implied by the Central Dogma, to determine the impact of intermediate genomic... -
Disease coverage, overlap and divergence of human genome-wide association stu...
Repository with the scripts used for the calculations in the manuscript "Disease coverage, overlap and divergence of human genome-wide association studies and pharmaceutical... -
Drug target Mendelian randomisation to compare the effects of cholesteryl est...
CETP correlation matrices in the East Asian and European populations (GRCh37) used for linkage disequilibrium pruning. These correlation matrices and summary statistics for... -
SRQR Checklist for protocol paper
Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR) Checklist for paper: Mixed-methods evaluation of the NHS Genomic Medicine Service for rare diseases: study protocol -
Presentations - 3,000 year old Egyptian emmer wheat
Presentations summarise the results of a project analysing whole-genome sequences of archaeological emmer wheat specimens from Egypt (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-019-0534-5). -
Imputation and QTL Mapping in Multiparental Crop Populations from Low Coverag...
Posters describing the use of low-coverage sequence data to impute genotypes in multiparental populations of wheat and rice. The posters also show results from an integrated... -
Supporting data for the paper Role of the mobilome in the global disseminatio...
The mobile resistance gene blaNDM encodes the NDM enzyme which hydrolyses carbapenems, a class of antibiotics used to treat some of the most severe bacterial infections. blaNDM... -
CATH protein domain classification (version 4.2)
CATH is a classification of protein structures downloaded from the Protein Data Bank. We group protein domains into superfamilies when there is sufficient evidence they...