Music Album of Louise Langhans (née Japha), Private Collection, Freiburg, 185...
The music album, which is part of a private collection, has been digitised by CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating Music Albums as Originals Made of Originals’. The... -
Napoléon Coste: composer and guitarist in the musical life of 19th-century Paris
The dissertation Napoléon Coste: composer and guitarist in the musical life of 19th-century Paris by Ari van Vliet concerns a study in life and works of Napoléon Coste... -
Personnes citées dans les procès-verbaux du Bureau des longitudes
L’ensemble des personnes qui font l’objet d’une citation nominative au moins une fois dans le corpus des procès-verbaux du Bureau des longitudes entre 1795 et 1932, à... -
Instruments scientifiques mentionnés dans les procès-verbaux du Bureau des lo...
L'ensemble des mentions d' instruments scientifiques relevées dans les procès-verbaux du Bureau des longitudes (jusqu'à l'année 1895) -
Membres du Bureau des longitudes (1795-1970)
Ce jeu de données contient des données enrichies sur les membres du Bureau des longitudes, de la création de cette institution scientifique en 1795, jusqu'à 1970 (pour la... -
Instruments scientifiques (objets) dans les procès-verbaux du Bureau des long...
L’inventaire des instruments scientifiques ayant fait l'objet de plusieurs mentions dans les procès-verbaux du Bureau des longitudes (jusqu'à l'année 1895). -
Die Einträge im Musikalbum von Louise Langhans, geb. Japha
This table provides an overview of and some information on the contributors and their entries in the music album of the pianist, composer and piano teacher Louise Langhans,... -
Music Album of Marie Pohlenz, Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig, A/2013/390...
The album is kept in the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig (accession number A/2013/390). It has been digitised at the CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating Music... -
Album of Ernst Emshoff, Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig, A/810/2007 (1891...
The album is kept in the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig (accession number A/810/2007). It has been digitised at the CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating... -
Album of Helene Friedrich, Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig, A/2013/383 (1...
The album is kept in the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig (accession number A/2013/383). It has been digitised at the CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating... -
Album of Antonie Speyer, Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf, 2003/5013, 19th ...
The album is kept in the Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf (shelfmark 2003/5013). It has been digitised by CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating Music... -
Album of Julius Rietz, Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf, HHI.AUT.35.G.225, ...
The album is kept in the Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf (shelfmark HHI.AUT.35.G.225). It has been digitised by CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating... -
Album of Leopold Greiff, Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig, A/2013/377 (188...
The album is kept in the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig (accession number A/2013/377). It has been digitised at the CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating... -
Album of Louis Brassin, Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig, A/2013/392 (1852...
The album is kept in the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig (accession number A/2013/392). It has been digitised at the CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating... -
Album of Gustav Schmidt, Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig, A/2013/346 (182...
The album is kept in the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig (accession number A/2013/346). It has been digitised at the CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating... -
Album of Constanze Dawison (née Jacobi), Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf, ...
The album is kept in the Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf (shelfmark 91.5001 T.G.). It has been digitised by CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating Music... -
Album of Elisabeth Dreyschock (née Nose), Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig...
The album is kept in the Stadtgeschichtliches Museum Leipzig (accession number A/2013/382). It has been digitised at the CSMC as part of the project ‘Creating... -
Album of Ernst Benedikt Kietz, Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf, 77.5041, 1...
The album, a collection of album leaves in a box, is kept in the Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf (shelfmark HHI.AUT.77.5041). It has been digitised by CSMC as...