Unravelling spin fluctuation components in a stripe-ordered cuprate
In previous experiments at ILL we observed a gap in the magnetic excitation spectrum of the stripe-ordered superconductor (La,Nd)2-xSrxCuO4, x=0.12. We observed a spin gap of... -
Tuning confinement potential of spinons in an Ising chain using magnetic fields
The Ising chain realises the fundamental paradigm of spin fractionalization, where locally flipping a spin creates two kinks (spinons) that can separate away at no energy cost,... -
Electric field effects on the spin correlation length in multiferroic delafos...
In a previous WISH experiment, we have succeeded in determining the incommensurate cycloidal magnetic structure of AgFeO2, which induces a ferroelectric polarization[1].... -
First experiment with a pulsed field magnet at ISIS or how to break the 15T b...
We propose to use a pulsed magnet system tried and tested at several neutron and synchrotron facilities in conjunction with the new high flux diffractometer WISH to perform the...