Monitoring crystallisation of Y3Al5O12 (YAG) under supercritical conditions u...
This proposal seeks 2 days on POLARIS in order to study hydrothermal chemical syntheses of yttrium aluminium garnet, Y3Al5O12 (YAG) in supercritical water using the... -
The PVT equation of state of D2O ice III / IX
The high-pressure form of solid water, ice III, is the equilibrium phase in contact with liquid water at pressures from about 2.0 - 3.5 kbar. Consequently, its properties are... -
Quenched salt hydrates new ways of probing water clusters.
Very rapid quenching of liquids to form a glass, from which crystalline phases are subsequently obtained by devitrification, is a powerful technique for obtaining novel... -
Overcoming Chemical Reaction Equilibrium: Determining the Chemical Potential ...
We have developed and demonstrated a novel process to overcome chemical reaction equilibrium constraints on an important reversible industrial chemical reaction by using... -
Deuteration-induced phase transition in a multiferroic framework material
The hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are of great interest as functional materials, because they combine the well-established perovskite topology with new physics and... -
Incommensurate-commensurate phase transitions in K2SeO4
Materials with incommensurate structures often show exotic properties (such as charge density waves). The development of reliable and efficient refinement techniques for such... -
In-situ reaction of lithium amide or imide with manganese(IV) oxide
We request 3 days beam time on POLARIS for in-situ powder diffraction studies of the reactions of lithium amide or lithium imide with manganese(IV) oxide under flowing argon or... -
Formation and ammonia decomposition behaviour of lithium nitride hydride
Ammonia is seen as a key part of the transition to a sustainable energy economy, but needs decomposition catalysts to release its stored hydrogen. Lithium nitride-hydride... -
Simltaneous dielectric spectroscopy and neutron diffraction
We have constructed a novel microwave frequency resonator that can sit within the GEM and POLARIS diffractometers and will allow us to simultaneously collect diffraction and... -
Sensing SO2 in Robust Porous MOF Materials via Simultaneous Microwave Dielect...
We seek to develop new MOFs for sensing and removal of toxic gases (e.g., SO2) and request 4 days on POLARIS to study the structural binding details and dielectric data... -
Configurational and displacive disorder in the cubic NTE material Cd(CN)2
Cubic cadmium(II) cyanide shows the most pronounced isotropic NTE effect known, with behaviour more than twice as extreme as that of better known materials such as ZrW2O8. This... -
Suppressing long axis intermolecular vibrational modes in molecular semicondu...
The van der Waals nature of carbon based organic semiconductors (OSCs) offers low cost deposition routes while intermolecular vibrations affect to some extend their charge... -
Dental Cements and Inelastic Neutron Scattering: Meeting the Challenges of To...
In typical odontological studies water sorption in the restoration material is determined by weighing freshly mixed cement at regular intervals. In the case of resin-modified... -
In-Situ Studies of Alternative Mobile-Ions for High-Temperature Thermal Batte...
Whilst rechargeable batteries continue to take over the consumer electronics market, they are unsuitable to replace specific battery technologies, such as the thermal battery,... -
Characterising the amorphicity and porosity of ice aggregates in planet-formi...
With the discovery of almost 3000 exo-planets it is clear that planet formation is a by-product of star formation, yet in the micron ? cm size range, where relative velocities... -
Universal Quantum-Critical Dynamics of a Two Dimensional Antiferromagnet
We have recently discovered a pressure-induced quantum phase transition (QPT) at 4.3 kbar in the gapped quantum magnet piperazinium hexachlorodicuprate (PHCC) by means of... -
Test of a New Supercritical In-Situ Hydrothermal Cell
The objectives of this proposal is to seek 2 days on POLARIS in order to test and complete a full commissioning of the latest design of our prototype in-situ reaction cell for... -
Investigating the formation of novel mixed amide-imide complexes and understa...
Inexpensive light-metal amides are among the most highly active and effective ammonia decomposition catalysts at modest temperatures and are likely to surpass the performance of... -
Monitoring Gamma Prime Evolution in Superalloys using Small Angle Neutron Sca...
The aim of the experiment is to monitor the temporal evolution of gamma prime precipitates in three polycrystalline nickel base superalloys using Sans2D. This instrument is... -
Structure of hot dense liquid carbon dioxide
We propose to study the structure of liquid CO2 by neutron diffraction under high pressure and high temperatures to 6 GPa / 800 K. Carbon dioxide belongs to the most fundamental...