Quantum and thermal critical scaling in XY-dipolar antiferromagnet LiErF4
We have established the material LiErF4 as a dipolar antiferromagnet with planar anisotropy, exhibiting both classical and quantum phase transitions. Where, thermal transition... -
Proof of Principle: TOF Flux Line Lattice Measurements
Time is requested for a proof of principle time of flight flux line lattice measurement -
Magnetic study of the new skyrmion-carrying material CoZnMn
Nanoscale magnetic skyrmions are swirl-like magnetisation entities that satisfy topological quantisation conditions. They can therefore not be easily unwound into another... -
Exchange Spring Evolution in SmCo5/Fe and NdCo5/Fe
We propose to investigate the evolution of the exchange spring (ES) in NdCo5/Fe and SmCo5/Fe with temperature and magnetic fields using polarized neutron reflectometry. The...